Sep. 14: 4:40pm - Tim
Sep. 12: 4pm - Tim
If your reading this, thanks for checking back in, but you should be giving blood to the needy. I am deeply shocked by this incident, I have no friends or family hurt, but several trapped in Manhattan. I'd put some pictures up, but you've probably seen most of them already, and I think that those who have friends or family directly involved, looking at them may be too much.
To all of you who have friends or family in this tradgedy, I can only give my deepest sympathy.
I love you all
Nov. 8: 8pm - Tim
I'v got a new title pic up top, yippie! made it marquee just for today, cause I need somthing to do. I'll try to get all those annoying white spots away
Ok, I'm strapped for cash. I'm offering to advertize your site, either down the bottom near my Recomend-It link down at the bottom part of the page, or up near my links up here. Price negotiable. Mail me if interested.
A GeForce 2 review. The reason I like Anandtech is because is explains what all these terms mean. That's how I learned what I know, and am still learning. Anyway, here's your link.
Sorry to all your all CNN haters out there, but MICROSOFT GOT HACKED AGAIN! Thanks too all of you who E-Mailed you, the best article I could find was on CNN. Get THIS:
"We investigated this report," Microsoft spokesman Adam Sohn said. "He was able to exploit a known security flaw that we were able to patch. The patch had not yet applied to the server." He could not confirm that all servers in Microsoft's network had the hole patched.
Hey Microsoft: Once you create a patch, you USUALLY apply it to the sever as soon as posible...... People these days. Although that question was asked, Microsoft tried to techno-babble their way outta it.
Here's somthing that aired on HARD|OCP a couple days ago, but I thought I'd stick it on here, just because it's so daem good. "waterblocks tested at 1000+ psi!". Tweakmeister's Waterblock review.
Nov. 8: Mornin' - Tim
I seem to have forgotten the link to CPL yesterday, so here you go
Here's a little thing I found on CNN. I can't describe it myself, so I'll just use what they said: Experts testify in French Yahoo! case over Nazi memorabilia
OK, that's about all I have time for, check back tonight for more.
Nov. 7: Night Time II - Tim
I promiced news, and I shal deliver.
Internet Explorer 5.5 is here, bringing enhancements in privacy, with better management of cookies. Microsoft also explains What Cookies Are.
Pentium IV supposed to hit 2Ghz within a year.
The Pentium 4, which is based on Intel's first new chip architecture in 5 years, is expected to debut in a few weeks at a clock speed of "1.4 GHz and above," said Paul Otellini, executive vice president and general manager of the Intel Architecture Group.
Full story here
CyberAthlete Professional League is hosting a Quake3 tourny with cash winnings totaling 100,000 (not all for first place mind you). They are also hosting a Counter-Strike and all female Quake3 tournys. Although, to join the CT or female Quake3, you must first join the main competition, which puts me out of this one, I don't play Quake3, only Counter-Strike. You may also register to help out, although I'm not old enough to do that.
Nov. 7: Night Time - Tim
Spent the day infront of the telly (TV), looking for banners to help you find what you want, without looking, sounds good no? I know what your thinking, 'whatever, I just ignore banners anyway,' well, just click on any that mildly interest you, and buy somthing, so I can buy more programming books, and make this page look even more spiffy.
WOT (Way off topic):
The Queen's mother tripped on her rug, and broke her collarbone, she is being treated in her home, and is acting quite normal.
You should be seeing more 'news' stuff on here,
Nov. 7: Too Early - Tim
Bought a book on XML (eXtensible Markup Language), pretty confusing.
Send me Mail!
Nov. 6: Morning - Tim
Tim Does America! That's right folks, I am now in the US, New Jersey to be exact, still pounding away at my SETI@HOME units at home, and here on my laptop. Speaking of SETI@HOME, I am going to have a document up here soon. I DO have my Pumpkin bashing stuff typed up, but still not in the main page format yet, I'll wait till I get home to do that.
I'v got the pumpkin page up, although no pictures to make it interesting yet. I'll get those up on the 12th or 13th. I bashed up the pumpkin with a pinyatta bat, and burnted it, with WD-40. Enjoy
Nov. 3: Early Morning II - Tim
Pumpkins R Dead. I didn't go down to Wan Chai, so I didn't get any info there, cause my Orthodontist appointment was delayed because there was an ELECTRICAL FIRE there. OOOOooooOOO Tim likes fire! Right next to the Orthodontist too, lotsa fire trucks outside too, they looked cool, DAMB I wish I had my camera! Anyway, not many updates to talk about.
I will be away till the 10th of November, however, I will still be able to update and check mail, so send me somthing to put up. I have gotten a guy named Trevor to type up somthing (he'z lazy though) it might get to me in a few days. He'll probably do a review on Diablo II, so all you D2 freaks out there, check back.
Nov. 3: Early Morning I - Tim
Sent some stuff over to [H]ARD|OCP, I'll get it up here tonight. I'll be busting up my Jack'0'Lanterns with my lil'bro today, with my pinyatta (SP?) bat. I'll be going to the Orthodontist now, he's gonna have a peek in my mouth (gawd that sounds bad) and look at some stuff in there, then I'm off to Wan Chai to look at new computer parts, I'll give you the low-down on that either tonight, or tomorrow, whenever I get around to it.
My Seti@home Unit processing power has increased, I now do 5 units in 2 days. If I could only get all the school computers to crunch units for me.... then I'd be a Seti-GURU! *cackle* (I'm done now). Anyway, all of you go get Seti@home, and wander over to The Baitshop and join up with out little gang. Then join Team Baitshop for some Seti-Unit-Crunching against the EVIL 'THF' team...
Nov. 1: VERY Early Morning - Tim
First time doing this sort of updating, gives me more to do, yaknow? I got the idea for this from [H]ard|OCP, and it prolly looks very similar to Cole3D too, but I'll get my own 'identity' soon. If you liked the old way, it will be like that on the Articles section.
You can probably all see that I changed the colours and layout of this site alot, if you want to see what I'm working on for future sections or ideas, just click on the handy dandy TESTS link up top. Nothing there right now though, but go ahead, knock yourself out
Thanks to all of you who mailed me about my Destroying a Hard Drive - How To, heres some of them:
From John Nicol: Just read your "How to make a keychain article". Dude, that is not a wrench. It's a pair of slip joint pliers. Otherwise, good job.
Slip Joint Pliers, must remember that, my knowlage of tools is not very good, but I'll get there
From Thomas McDill: You should take those really nice powerful magnets out of the drive too if you still have it. They are inside the arm assembly, on those metal plates. Put em on the fridge and try to get the wife to get em off ;-) Good luck, if you get em out of an old 300 meg SCSI drive they are like an inch thick and if you put two of them together, you CANNOT pull them apart, you have to slide them apart. Have fun!
I'm not married
From Chris Williams: Hi, my name is chris williams. I tried making a keychain from a broken
pentium (socket 5) chip.
I used a carbide drill bit and a 1200 rpm drill. I didnt work. I really
wasnt getting anywhere after a long time drilling. About a fifth of the
way through. I became angry and slammed on it and the chip split into
How did you get that hole for the keychain?
Well, I don't really have much more than what is shown in the pictures, although I do have a 'Swiss Champ' pocket knife, and I burnt 3 or so hours rotating my arm, and BING, I got a hole!
I NEED help from y'all with this, I can't do all the articles myself, and ripping stuff from [H]ard|OCP is gonna get old after a while, send me an E-Mail if you wanna help out, no HTML 1337 5|<1|_|_Z required, just send me sumthin, and I'll make it look nice and pretty.
SEND ME MAIL, really, I love getting it, but I'm not, and this makes me sad, which means that I don't make pretty pages for you.
Since October 14th, 2000.
Best viewed in True Colour and 1024x768