For those of you looking for the pictures, just click here.

Evidently someone pointed out that my site is pretty much useless and people only come here for the pictures available in the photo albums. Therefore I've taken this comment to heart and have closed this site until I think a new layout would actually be worth it, or that I should just shut down everything all together. Or would everyone prefer that I just post pictures from here on out? Obviously nobody really cared about this site anyways, you guys just want the pictures I took of you, isn't that right?

It feels so awful, knowing that any work I do is undermined and thought of as being useless and unproductive. But for those of you that have lives, obviously this is detrimental to my health, I mean...I only work on it once now and again, but is that really too much? Until I get the doubts out of my heart, this site will be down...not like any of you will see this in the next few weeks anyways.
