MATT'S PAGE My name is Matt Hosley. I am an 19 year old Sophomore at the University of Kentucky. If you would like to see a picture of me click here . In college I am working towards a degree in Marketing. Currently I am taking Computer Science 101, Finite Math 162, Economics 202, Politics of the Third World 212, and Accounting 201. Eventually I will get some pictures of my friends and I put on the page. I have another webpage on the website The Car Domain. If you would like to see it click here My Car Page . As you can guess it is pictures of my car. Actually, pictures of my old car, I have a Honda Accord now. I used to have a Nintendo Sticker across the front windshield of my car. I have a few pictures of it but they are not on the webpage. I will eventually get these pictures up.

A little background information.

During High school I was an a member of 9 school clubs. Student Council, Key Club, Co-ed Y(a highschool united nations group), Art Club, F.C.A(Fellowship of Christian Athletes), Beta Club, National Honors Society, French Club, and French Honors Society were the clubs I was active in. My senior year I was elected Vice-President of my senior class. Upon graduation I had a gradepoint average of 3.73.

The Nintendo Collection

I started collecting nintendo games in 1995, when was in 8th grade. It all started one day when I got bored and decided to play my old nintendo. It had always been hooked up but i wasn't being used. I had forgotten how fun Nintendo was. The next day at school I started asking around to see if I could borrow anyones classic Nintendo games. Most of the people that I asked said they hadn't played Nintendo in so long that i could just have their games. At the end of my 8th grade year I had collected about 20 games. As I started highschool things changed. The people I asked wanted money for the games. I usually paid about $1 to $2 dollars per game or bartered for games. This was still a great deal. At the end of my freshman year I had 69 games. Over the summer I only recieved two new games. As my sophomore year started the games really started to roll in. By christmas break I had 147 games, doulbling my collection. Things really slowed down again until my Senior year. When I graduated High school I had 298 games, most of which I received for free. My Nintendo game collection is still growing strong today.