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Designed & maintained by (!) Kevin Powell (!)
:) Screaming CuckooBroad Associates 1997,2009

Screaming CuckooBroad Associates part of the CircleOmega organisation

+++ Updated Virtual URL:
(*) = (www) Primary access - kevipow.vze.com

Links :: Q17 :: Jamz :: Works :: Galleries :: Contact :: Mirrors :: &c.

+++ Q17 Lunivenusian Calendar
(*) = (www) Q17 - documentation v3.01
(*) = (www) Q17 - rudimentary Java applet

+++ Music from CircleOmega
(*) = (mp3) Slippery When Retro : Matador in a MouseMaze - itz awesome
(*) = (mp3) Music for Jenna - 2008 autumn
(*) = (mp3) TRCM / Bent Nebula / Nelson Else: various selections
(*) = (www) SWR - follow us on Twitter

+++ Works
(*) = (www) Mars Longa - CircleOmega does the red planet
(*) = (www) Primaeval Transcendental Economic Revolutionary Oracle
(*) = (www) ptero.zor.org
(*) = (www) tyranno.zor.org
(*) = (www) Linux resources page
(*) = (www) penguium3.blogspot.com - Alt-SysRq-Blog
(*) = (www) Complete Big5 Hanzi (A1-F9):(40-7E/A1-FE)
(*) = (gif) Favourite 400 Hanzi - learn these first
(*) = (gif) F400H - red key
(*) = (gif) F400H - green key
(*) = (gif) F400H - blue key
(*) = (gif) F400H - gold key
(*) = (pdf) Random Pseudolanguage - its all in the diphthongs
(*) = (www) urdvxc / irdvxc - allaple virus
(*) = (www) GlovBox1 - aye mateys ;)
(*) = (www) kevipow.livejournal.com - blog @livejournal
(*) = (www) kevipow.wordpress.com - blog @wordpress
(*) = (www) the /opt project
(*) = (jpg) kevipow Natal Chart - Astrolog

+++ Galleries
(*) = (www) Blasphmoney galactic portal - fortunecity
(*) = (www) Blasphmoney galactic portal - vze.com
(*) = (www) kevipow Tarrant county gallery - the first days are the hardest days
(*) = (www) kevipow Berzerkeley gallery - Deer Rigueur
(*) = (www) kevipow Foto essay - Regent st evac
(*) = (www) kevipow Foto essay - CoCo county trails
(*) = (www) kevipow Foto essay - the Mad TrailDigger
(*) = (www) CraigsList Cache - fake posts from Casual Encounters
(*) = (www) Phenobamatol - the opiate of the sheople
(*) = (www) kevipow Attachment Manager - todays attachments

+++ Contact
(*) = (mailto) nobody@bogus.unknown.host.org - message to nobody
(*) = (mailto) kevipow@tifosi.net - message to Freeola
(*) = (mailto) kevipow@wildcats.com - message to wildcats.com
(*) = (mailto) kevipow@warpmail.net - message to warpmail.net
(*) = (mailto) kevipow@imapmail.org - message to imapmail.org
(*) = (mailto) kevipow@elitemail.org - message to elitemail.org
(*) = (mailto) kevipow@emailplus.org - message to emailplus.org
(*) = (mailto) kevipow@mypage.com - message to MyPage
(*) = (mailto) kevipow@yahoo.com - message to Yahoo
(*) = (mailto) kevipow@gmail.com - message to gMail
(*) = (www) IRC portal - experimental research channel

+++ Provisional Alternative Accesses

angelfire :: tripod :: fortunecity :: 50webs :: ripway :: hostse :: localnet :: orgzero
prohozedthing :: webnogood :: fcpages :: 741.com
freeservers :: 50megs :: there4.i8.com :: freewebs :: geocities :: hozed@geocities
via cjb.net :: via has.it :: via podzone.org :: via zor.org :: via vze.com

+++ Links

Current :: Search :: Topics :: Space :: Mars :: Nature :: Cams :: World :: Asia :: China :: Dharma :: Music :: Audio :: RadioLow :: RadioHigh :: Cars :: Girlz :: Health :: Berkeley :: Berkfolk :: Jenna :: Texas :: ftWorth :: TXres :: Cabal :: Zion :: Shred :: Bib :: OSXaol :: Doc :: Java :: Flash :: Connect :: eMail :: Address :: Hosting :: POP3 :: Readers :: Clients :: Systems :: S/370s :: Uploads :: Downloads :: Credits  :: TranceRave Capital Management ::

+++ Current

(*) = (www) INO.com
(*) = (www) Anchorage Daily News
(*) = (www) Sydney Morning Herald
(*) = (www) WorldNews Network
(*) = (www) Blacklisted News
(*) = (www) Freep
(*) = (www) LibertyPost
(*) = (www) Mirror of the World
(*) = (www) Revolution Radio
(*) = (www) UrukNet
(*) = (www) Breitbart
(*) = (www) Christopher Story
(*) = (www) FourWinds 10
(*) = (www) Judicial Inc
(*) = (www) Peoples Voice
(*) = (www) Propaganda Matrix
(*) = (www) Rense
(*) = (www) RIA Novosti
(*) = (www) SpaceWar
(*) = (www) Topix

+++ Search
(*) = (www) AltaVista
(*) = (www) City-data.com
(*) = (www) RandMcNally.com
(*) = (www) Superpages.com
(*) = (www) CraigsList
(*) = (www) PicSearch.com
(*) = (www) ISOhunt
(*) = (www) Open Directory Project
(*) = (www) Quick Reference Research
(*) = (www) UltimateSearch.com
(*) = (www) BabelFish Translations &c.
(*) = (www) Dictionary.com
(*) = (www) Mapathon
(*) = (www) Swivel
(*) = (www) AreaCodeDownload.com
(*) = (www) Switchboard.com
(*) = (www) USsearch.com reverse phone map
(*) = (www) Whitepages.com reverse address lookup
(*) = (www) Yellowpages.com
(*) = (www) CIA Homepage
(*) = (www) CriminalSearches.com
(*) = (www) Google
(*) = (www) HotBot (Lycos)
(*) = (www) Intelius
(*) = (www) NASA Homepage
(*) = (www) UN Organisation Locator
(*) = (www) Yahoo! homepage
(*) = (telnet) bogus.unknown.host.org/:6677

+++ Web Topic Miscellany
(*) = (www) Dreamscapes - Mysteries Megasite
(*) = (www) Occult Reptilian Saga - biblioteca pleyades
(*) = (www) DisInformation - unexplained phenomena
(*) = (www) Top Tips for Girls - from Real women
(*) = (www) Fractals - massive chaos
(*) = (www) Mathpages - lotsa info
(*) = (www) Mayan Classical Period &c. - links from Hermetic Systems
(*) = (www) Maya Sky Watchers - its all here
(*) = (www) Maya Cosmology - aluna joy
(*) = (www) Crop Circles - from Dire Gnosis
(*) = (www) Jonbenet Ramsey - acandyrose
(*) = (www) Historical Atrocities - statistics
(*) = (www) Antarctichrist - go polar
(*) = (www) TurnSpin - images & info
(*) = (www) Vote 4 Jesse - hes the man
(*) = (www) Offshore Technology - listing P-36
(*) = (www) Krupp Trencher - the biggest
(*) = (www) Dr Seuss Went to War - UCSD gallery
(*) = (www) P38 Lightning - brooksart
(*) = (www) Rotten.com - pure evil
(*) = (www) Screw-PayPal.com - alternatives
(*) = (www) Jackalope Conspiracy - myth or reality?
(*) = (www) Qing Dynasty Coins - SeaEagle
(*) = (www) Waite Deck - tarot
(*) = (www) Dragons - isidore of seville
(*) = (www) Flags by Country &c. - WPclipart
(*) = (www) Oil Painting Reproductions - Arts Heaven
(*) = (www) Pix of Great Personages - Onlipix

+++ Space
(*) = (www) Messier Database - SEDS
(*) = (www) NGC catalogue - skyfactory.org
(*) = (www) Image Gallery - NOAO
(*) = (www) Astrophotos - Glen Yousman
(*) = (www) Hubble Images - STScI
(*) = (www) Hubble Images - ESA
(*) = (www) HEASARC gallery - high energy
(*) = (www) NASA portal - news highlights
(*) = (www) Thunderbolts - infomercial for the electric universe
(*) = (www) European Space News - SpaceRef
(*) = (www) GOES NOAA - current western infrared
(*) = (www) Composite Satellite Imagery - dBaron
(*) = (www) Remote Sensing info - USGS terraweb
(*) = (www) SSEC Images & Data - UW Madison
(*) = (www) Antarctica Composite - AVHRR
(*) = (www) Southern Auroral Oval - SEC POES
(*) = (www) NASA Visible Earth - by country
(*) = (www) Maps a la Carte - Topozone
(*) = (www) Terraserver - the leader
(*) = (www) European Space Agency - ESA science
(*) = (www) Johnson Space Centre - digital image collection
(*) = (www) National Cheng Kung U - physics department
(*) = (www) Satellite Webcams - KSC NASA-TV & realtime sun & moon
(*) = (www) Voyager I crosses the Jovian Bow Shock - uIowa
(*) = (www) An Atlas of the Universe - Richard Powell
(*) = (www) Night Vision - the awesome Java applet
(*) = (www) Planetarium Software - from SEDS
(*) = (www) SkyChart III Demo - this *is* the one
(*) = (www) CosmoBrain - astro events &c.
(*) = (www) Current Planetary Aspects - astrologyweekly
(*) = (www) Moon Phases - 5 millenia from Fred Espenak
(*) = (www) Moon Phase (current) - google gizmo @ die.net
(*) = (www) Online Astrological Natal Charts - wheels &c.
(*) = (www) SkyLights - weekly from UIUC
(*) = (www) Venus Conjunctions - 3 millenia from Richard Nolle
(*) = (www) Venus Transits - lunarplanner.com
(*) = (www) Halton C Arp - need I say more
(*) = (www) System Planning Corporation - radar physics group
(*) = (www) Lunar Anomalies - lotsa territory
(*) = (www) Spirosolaris - resonances
(*) = (www) StarTrek ASCII Art - HTMLified version
(*) = (www) Usenet Relativity FAQ - tachyons &c.

+++ Mars
(*) = (www) Mars Exploration Program - NASA
(*) = (www) Planetary Data System - NASA
(*) = (www) Captioned MGS / MRO Images - MSSS
(*) = (www) Mars Image Explorer - MSFF
(*) = (www) THEMIS galleries - ASU
(*) = (www) ESA Science & Technology - Mars Express homepage
(*) = (www) ESA Multimedia - Mars Express images
(*) = (www) Colour MER Pancam Pix - Cornell
(*) = (www) Spirit & Opportunity True Colour Pancam Pix - Holger Isenberg
(*) = (www) Journey to Mars Rover Cam Pix - earlier than JPL
(*) = (www) HiRISE - UofA LPL
(*) = (www) Mars Orbital Laser Altimeter - tharsis
(*) = (www) MSL landing sites - marsoweb
(*) = (www) MOC Images - USGS
(*) = (www) MOC Images - NASA (AB / SP1 / SP2)
(*) = (www) MOC Image Link Tables - nagii.com
(*) = (www) Athena Cornell - image directory

+++ Nature
(*) = (www) Dinolinks @UCB Paleo - sic semper tyrannosaurus!
(*) = (www) Prehistorics Illustrated - art collections
(*) = (www) Vertebrates - Henskens fossils
(*) = (www) Animal Diversity Web - UofM
(*) = (www) Natural History Mnemonics - lest I forget
(*) = (www) Common Plants Image Gallery - Kahweah delta
(*) = (www) The Vaults of Erowid - psychoactives
(*) = (www) Earthquake Hazards Program - USGS
(*) = (www) Northern Pacific Rattlesnake - Crotalus viridis oreganos

+++ Webcams
(*) = (www) Blasphmoney webcam page
(*) = (www) AE Dubai - coastal zone monitoring
(*) = (www) AN Bonaire - reefcam
(*) = (www) AU Redcliffe - Humpybong yacht club
(*) = (www) BR Praia de Santos - Exibir.com
(*) = (www) CL Tiempo del Sur - DGAC
(*) = (www) HK map - scenery
(*) = (www) HK map - traffic
(*) = (www) HK map - weather
(*) = (www) IN Arunachala
(*) = (www) JP Mt Fuji - city of
(*) = (www) JP Mt Fuji - fujicalm
(*) = (www) JP Mt Fuji - TV Yamanashi
(*) = (www) MV Kuredu island
(*) = (www) NP K2
(*) = (www) NZ Napier-Hastings
(*) = (www) NZ Shoal Bay
(*) = (www) PA Panama canal - requires Flash
(*) = (www) TH Pattaya - ocean tower
(*) = (www) RU Uralweb
(*) = (www) US AK Blasphmoney AlasKam page
(*) = (www) US AK Anchorage - Borealis Broadband
(*) = (www) US AK - FAA weather cams
(*) = (www) US CA Berkeley - LHS
(*) = (www) US TX Corpus Christi - bayfront
(*) = (www) US TX DGSE - precious & beautiful things
(*) = (www) US TX Fort Worth - wxNation
(*) = (www) US TX Galveston - harbour house east
(*) = (www) US TX Grapevine lake - highland webworks
(*) = (www) US TX - weatherbug instacams
(*) = (www) list - 123-cams
(*) = (www) list - birdseye view of
(*) = (www) list - camscape
(*) = (www) list - DOTwebcams
(*) = (www) list - Leonards ads
(*) = (www) list - webcam-index.com
(*) = (www) list - weather-forecast
(*) = (www) list / img - coolwebcams.net
(*) = (www) list / img - sightseeing.com
(*) = (www) list / img - weather underground
(*) = (www) list / map - go & roam
(*) = (www) map - eternalsunset

+++ The World of News
(*) = (www) Asia Times
(*) = (www) Cursor
(*) = (www) Daily Headlines
(*) = (www) DJIA - MarketWatch
(*) = (www) EurAsiaNet
(*) = (www) Inter-Press Service .net
(*) = (www) Inter-Press Service .org
(*) = (www) News Alternative
(*) = (www) NewsPapers of the World on the Internet
(*) = (www) OneWorld FrontPage
(*) = (www) Schema Root
(*) = (www) Truth Seeker
(*) = (www) Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs
(*) = (www) Al-Jazeera
(*) = (www) Big News Network
(*) = (www) Common Dreams
(*) = (www) E-Ariana
(*) = (www) Electronic Intifada
(*) = (www) Global Research
(*) = (www) IRIB News Network
(*) = (www) Jafariya News
(*) = (www) Kurdistan National Network
(*) = (www) New Kerala
(*) = (www) Payvand News of Iran
(*) = (www) SJ Mercury News
(*) = (www) Turkish Press
(*) = (www) Xinhuanet
(*) = (www) A-Infos
(*) = (www) ArabNews.com
(*) = (www) Drudge Report
(*) = (www) Freespeech.org
(*) = (www) Independent
(*) = (www) Iran Daily
(*) = (www) Jack Blood
(*) = (www) Libertarian Enterprise
(*) = (www) Rumor Mill News
(*) = (www) Signs of the Times
(*) = (www) TFF Foundation for Peace & Future Research
(*) = (www) TruthOut
(*) = (www) United-Bluff
(*) = (www) WanaDoo homepage
(*) = (www) World Net Daily
(*) = (www) WSWS

+++ Asia
(*) = (www) IndiaPress newspapers
(*) = (www) NgeeAnn Polytechnic Newspaper Library &c.
(*) = (www) Tamil Nation
(*) = (www) TamilNet.com
(*) = (www) Sanskrit Documents in Devanagari
(*) = (www) Bhagavad Gita (MaBh VI 23-40) in English
(*) = (ftp) Mahabharata in Transliteration
(*) = (www) Centre for Middle Eastern Studies
(*) = (www) TourAsia Kazakhstan
(*) = (www) Kasetsart University Thailand
(*) = (ping) Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics
(*) = (ping) Peking University
(*) = (ping) Beijing Polytechnic

+++ China
(*) = (www) Purple Mountain Observatory
(*) = (www) Epoch Times
(*) = (www) Foshan
(*) = (www) Sing Tao Daily
(*) = (www) ChinaLanguage.com
(*) = (www) Cyberpath China Gateway

XinHua.org :: ChinaNews :: Peoples Daily :: people.com.cn :: ycwb.com :: Beijing Daily :: gmw.com.cn :: hsm.com.cn :: whb.com.cn :: ChinaDaily :: jfdaily.com.cn :: Beijing Youth :: ynet.com :: China Economic Times :: ChinaWay :: Chinese Overseas Friendship Association :: stDaily :: Science Times :: cena.com.cn :: zhgnm.com.cn :: 66163.com :: International Business Daily :: chinaed.com.cn :: GuangZhou Daily :: Popular Science & Technology News :: qhrb.com.cn :: China-Window :: China Pictorial :: sina.com.cn :: china.com :: World Journal :: ChinaTibet News

(*) = (www) CUHK Chinese English Dictionary of Modern Usage
(*) = (www) Zhongwen Chinese Characters Dictionary Web
(*) = (www) Rendering Chinese Characters on the Web
(*) = (www) Taiwanese dictionary
(*) = (www) I Ching Lexicon

+++ Dharma
(*) = (www) Buddhanet.net
(*) = (www) Access to Insight
(*) = (www) Journal of Buddhist Ethics Global Resources
(*) = (www) Buddhist Studies & Traditional Chinese Beliefs
(*) = (www) Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library
(*) = (www) Buddhism, Indology, &c.
(*) = (www) Internet Guide for Chinese Studies at Heidelberg
(*) = (www) NTU Library
(*) = (www) Bhikkhu Bodhi: the Noble Eightfold Path
(*) = (www) Falun Dafa
(*) = (www) Soka Gakkai
(*) = (www) Drs Yogi C M Chen & Yutang Lin
(*) = (www) Dhammakaya Meditation
(*) = (www) SaddharmaPundarika BIG5 / GB / English
(*) = (www) Asian eTexts from ANU
(*) = (www) Tibetan Studies WWW Virtual Library
(*) = (www) Google Chittamatra

+++ Music &c.
(*) = (www) Just Intonation Network - whats that sound
(*) = (www) OLGA - (down)
(*) = (www) OLGA - via GuitarNotes.com
(*) = (www) OLGA - (down) Harmony Central
(*) = (www) OLGA - (down) Renegade
(*) = (www) LyricsWorld - its huge & its still moving
(*) = (www) LyricsConnection - good list
(*) = (www) International Lyrics Server - useful
(*) = (www) Sudens Oldies - lyrics & links
(*) = (www) MidiMaster - tonsa lyrics
(*) = (www) New Jukebox Singles - 45s ref
(*) = (www) Billie Holiday Discography - with pix
(*) = (www) Bach Central Station - what a guy
(*) = (www) Best of LedZeppelin on the Net - what a group
(*) = (www) Rise & Fall of Popular Music - a great read
(*) = (www) Green Eggs Report - spartiti links

+++ MP3z / Audio
(*) = (www) wuzam
(*) = (www) mp3search.nu - ftp servers &c.
(*) = (www) cNet.com - search for MP3s
(*) = (www) Huge MP3 Archive .com - lotsa pointers
(*) = (www) Top 25 MP3 Sites - popup mania
(*) = (www) Howto find MP3z - sSutherland incl notez on IRC
(*) = (www) Said the Gramophone - blog with lotsa bloglinks
(*) = (www) Russ Gladden - rather neat ;)
(*) = (www) Drum Software - iwritethemusic

+++ Radio - Low Bitrate
(*) = (www) Radio-Locator.com
(*) = (www) RadioTower.com
(*) = (www) The StreamGuide
(*) = (www) Gumbopages NonCommercial Radio
(*) = (www) DI.FM Digitally Imported - trance &c.
(*) = (www) Orbital Grooves - the finest in electronic dance
(*) = (www) PlasticAge - radio Australia
(*) = (www) Radio Paradise - listener supported
(*) = (www) WREK-FM 91.1 Georgia Tech - WrekNet
(*) = (www) KUOI-FM 89.3 UI Moscow - freeform
(*) = (www) KFJC-FM 89.7 Los Altos Hills - Foothill College
(*) = (www) KALX-FM 90.7 UC Berkeley - bear territory
(*) = (www) WCBN-FM 88.3 UM AnnArbor - from the basement of the SAB
(*) = (www) WUMB-FM 91.9 U Mass Boston - folk
(*) = (www) WWOZ-FM 90.7 New Orleans - jazz & heritage
(*) = (www) WHUS-FM 91.7 U Conn Storrs - radio for the people
(*) = (www) KVCU-AM 1190 Boulder - U of Colorado
(*) = (www) SF Liberation Radio 93.7 - pm1600 to pm2300 @100 watts
(*) = (www) UK Hit Music Radio - G Media
(*) = (www) WMSL-UK Just great songs - from the 80s 90s & today
(*) = (www) MoreFM Oxfordshire - classic hit radio
(*) = (www) FM 100.6 Radio City Tyumen - Region 72 Russia

+++ Radio - High Bitrate
(*) = (www) WPRB-FM 103.3 Princeton - pretty awesome
(*) = (www) KUCI-FM 88.9 UC Irvine - mass cool
(*) = (www) WVFS-FM 89.7 Tallahassee - the voice of FSU
(*) = (www) KEXP-FM 90.3 U Washington Seattle - where the music matters
(*) = (www) KCSB-FM 91.9 UC Santa Barbara - from beneath Storke tower
(*) = (www) KVRX-FM 91.7 UT Austin - student radio
(*) = (www) WMNF-FM 88.5 Orlando - community radio
(*) = (www) WWUH-FM 91.3 University of Hartford - Public Alternative
(*) = (www) KCOU-FM 88.1 Columbia - UMo
(*) = (www) KUSF-FM 90.3 University of SF - legendary
(*) = (www) WVFI-AM 640 Notre Dame - voice of the fighting Irish
(*) = (www) KCR-FM 98.9 San Diego State - since 1969
(*) = (www) KSDT UC San Diego - live boothcam
(*) = (www) Radio Orange 94.0 Austria - free radio in Vienna

+++ Cars
(*) = (www) PDF Owner Manuals - ford fleet

+++ Girlz
(*) = (www) Plenty of Fish - free online dating
(*) = (www) Altervista.org - courtesans
(*) = (www) FamousBabes.com - pix & links
(*) = (www) BSnude.com - its BS
(*) = (www) CelebZone - paparazzi
(*) = (www) PerfectNudeCelebs - incl index for BSnude
(*) = (www) PersianKitty - the classic
(*) = (www) AdultBuffet
(*) = (www) Babes 4 Free
(*) = (www) MaturePost
(*) = (www) MetArt - hires
(*) = (www) RawPussy.com
(*) = (www) TGP4all
(*) = (www) Thumbnail Picture Post

+++ Health
(*) = (www) Internet Mental Health - drugz &c.
(*) = (www) Schizophrenia.com - the schizophrenia homepage
(*) = (www) Karolinska Institutet - CNS diseases
(*) = (www) HealthWorld - deTox
(*) = (www) QuackWatch - Stephen Barrett MD
(*) = (www) PositiveHealth - articles; nutrition
(*) = (www) Colorado State - digestive system
(*) = (www) NursingCentre - merged w/ SpringNet
(*) = (www) Neurology Channel - leading physicians
(*) = (www) Bartleby.com - eTexts incl Grays Anatomy
(*) = (www) Family Practice Notebook - good outlines
(*) = (www) Conditions & Concerns - medical encyclopedia
(*) = (www) MedLinePlus - National Institute of Health
(*) = (www) LPS Conservatorships - Fresno county
(*) = (www) NPD Family - links &c.
(*) = (www) Evercare - the ubiquitous HMO
(*) = (www) Centre for Medicare Advocacy - Part D
(*) = (www) Medicare.gov - rank PDPs
(*) = (www) Botanical.com - herbal info
(*) = (www) Portland NORML - links &c.
(*) = (www) Compassionate Coalition - lotsa info
(*) = (www) Phenytoin Sodium Extended - the bottom line

+++ Berzerkeley
(*) = (www) Reality at a Glance
(*) = (www) 94704 weather - NOAA
(*) = (www) USGS Recent Earthquakes - CA / NV
(*) = (www) Peoples Park - please dont bulldoze me chancellor
(*) = (www) BMC 6.36.010 repealed - Berkeley Ordinance 6964-NS
(*) = (www) Community Development Organisation - TAA
(*) = (www) Business Improvement District - Telegraph
(*) = (www) City Council Agendas & Minutes - "BMC" too
(*) = (www) Crimes - in town
(*) = (www) Crimes - on campus
(*) = (www) UCPD concatenated logs: 2006
(*) = (www) UCPD concatenated logs: 2007
(*) = (www) Santa Rita Jail info - AC Sheriff
(*) = (www) Inmate Locator - acgov.org
(*) = (www) Alameda County Traffic Offenses - acgov.org
(*) = (www) 10 Most Wanted - SF
(*) = (www) Inmate Locator - LASD
(*) = (((i))) Independent Media Centre Bay Area
(*) = (((i))) Independent Media Centre SF
(*) = (www) BART
(*) = (www) Bay Area TransitInfo - MTC
(*) = (www) Berkeley Lab - LBNL
(*) = (www) Berkeley Public Library
(*) = (www) Byerly adit - BDSN
(*) = (www) California Electronic Government Information
(*) = (www) Campanile - UCB
(*) = (www) Contaminant Plumes - CMTW
(*) = (www) Ecology Center
(*) = (www) Free Radio Berkeley
(*) = (www) Muir Heritage Land Trust
(*) = (www) Tenant Links - OTU
(*) = (www) Vedanta Society - Vivekananda &c.
(*) = (www) Villa Fairmont

+++ Berkeley Personages
(*) = (www) Ace Backwords - down but not out
(*) = (www) Audrey Fairburn-Kirby - "Mimi"
(*) = (www) Bootsie on the Chan - wikifairytale
(*) = (www) Charles Scamahorn - probaway.com
(*) = (www) Charlie Brown - tipi by the C
(*) = (www) Claire Burch - right on
(*) = (www) Daniel Horowitz - he hoo livez by the basket case
(*) = (www) Diane deJongh - its all over now
(*) = (www) Dorothy Day CW House Berkeley - bread alone
(*) = (www) Frank Walker - shiny bright things
(*) = (www) Gary Otto PhD - homeometry in rags
(*) = (www) John Delmose - check the weather
(*) = (www) Katy on YouTube - wherez my spare change
(*) = (www) LA Wood - berkeleycitizen.org
(*) = (www) Larry Smulian - the man you love to hate
(*) = (www) Michael Diehl - mEnTal h3@L+h c()mmiS$10neR
(*) = (www) O V Michaelsen - Singer Songwriter Guitarist Author
(*) = (www) Ralph T Foster - parsimonious is an understatement
(*) = (www) R Peterson - SFTS CDA TBID Roland you bears
(*) = (www) What Really Killed Rosebud - besides the bullets that is

+++ Jennifer Nicole Pincetl
(*) = (www) Jenna
(*) = (www) pincetl.vze.com

+++ Texas
(*) = (www) Blasphmoney TexCam page
(*) = (www) Texas maps - UT
(*) = (www) 76021 weather - NOAA
(*) = (www) USGS Recent Earthquakes - Metroplex
(*) = (www) DFW Traffic Conditions - DOT webcams
(*) = (www) Texas Insider
(*) = (www) Dallas Business Journal
(*) = (www) Dallas Morning News
(*) = (www) Las Colinas Association
(*) = (www) Las Colinas - aerial map
(*) = (www) Corporate HQs in Texas 2008 - Fortune 1000
(*) = (www) Notable Metroplex Corp HQs - Wikipedia forgets Exxon
(*) = (www) Texas Execution Information Centre - find a pen pal
(*) = (www) Attorney General of Texas - news releases
(*) = (www) Tarrant County - Justices of the Peace
(*) = (www) Municode.com - ignorance is no excuse
(*) = (www) Losoya vs TTC 502.404(a) - say what?
(*) = (www) Legal Info - Bedford public library
(*) = (www) 820 Loop Northeast - the big bottlenecks
(*) = (www) Deep Ellum - it was the Hammerskins
(*) = (www) History of Grapevine Lake - USACE
(*) = (www) Quanah Parker - the Comanche
(*) = (www) Red Imported Fire Ant - RIFA madness
(*) = (www) The Wolf - Texas proud turned up loud
(*) = (www) lonestar.org - 20yrs at the Super Dimension Fortress

+++ Fort Worth
(*) = (www) 76112 map - MapQuest
(*) = (www) Fort Worth - zoning
(*) = (www) Fort Worth Star-Telegram (state)
(*) = (www) Fort Worth Star-Telegram (local)
(*) = (www) Pegasus News (Woodhaven)
(*) = (www) Woodhaven countryclub
(*) = (www) Woodhaven neighbourhood
(*) = (www) Fort Woof
(*) = (www) Glenda Furch
(*) = (www) Family Dollar 5312 Brentwood Stair - avoid it like the plague
(*) = (www) Fredrick F Fellows - would you buy a car from this man?

+++ Texas Resources
(*) = (www) The T
(*) = (www) DART
(*) = (www) ftWorth Coin Co - I can eMail a photo if yall cant find one boys
(*) = (((i))) Independent Media Centre Houston
(*) = (www) Texas Jewish Post
(*) = (www) University of North Texas - get a C
(*) = (www) Texas Centres & SILCs - ILRU
(*) = (www) TexasMedicarePlan.com - the Benbrook brokers
(*) = (www) Resource Centers on Independent Living - Texas REACH
(*) = (www) Dept of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services - State of Texas
(*) = (www) Epilepsy Contractors - Texas DSHS
(*) = (www) Mental Health & Mental Retardation - Tarrant County
(*) = (www) JPS Health Network - Enrollment & Eligibility
(*) = (www) JPS Prescription for Profit - A Star-Telegram investigation
(*) = (www) BHC Millwood Arlington - Psychiatric Solutions, Inc.
(*) = (www) Dr Jeanette C Hartshorn PhD - UTMB / EFSET
(*) = (www) Kaner Medical Group PA - Family Medicine that Cares about the Family
(*) = (www) Bedford electricity providers - TDSP or PTSD? :)
(*) = (www) Green Mountain Energy - Austin
(*) = (www) RentMoney.com
(*) = (www) RentSearch.com
(*) = (www) WinDay.com
(*) = (www) ResidentApproved
(*) = (www) EveryAptMapped

+++ The Cabal
(*) = (www) Arctic Beacon
(*) = (www) Black Helicopters - UFOseek
(*) = (www) Bolsheviks - marxists.org
(*) = (www) Catherine Austin Fitts
(*) = (www) CFR / Trilateral members
(*) = (www) Cornell LII - USC, CFR, &c.
(*) = (www) David Icke - the Biggest Secret
(*) = (www) Enlightenment Engine
(*) = (www) FlawlessLogic links
(*) = (www) Global Gulag
(*) = (www) Illuminati & NWO
(*) = (www) Jack Mohr
(*) = (www) Legal Links - US courts &c.
(*) = (www) None Dare Call it Conspiracy
(*) = (www) OKlegal - just about everything
(*) = (www) Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions
(*) = (www) Red Ice Creations
(*) = (www) Springmeier - Bloodlines of the Illuminati
(*) = (www) Tom Heneghan - it can now be reported
(*) = (www) US DOJ incl FBI
(*) = (www) Vatican Assassins
(*) = (www) World Government Conspiracy
(*) = (www) 911 Conspirators Spelled Correctly - thanx 2 poiuytr!
(*) = (www) American Revolutionary Vanguard
(*) = (www) Birdman Bryant
(*) = (www) David Duke
(*) = (www) Eustace Mullins - whale.to
(*) = (www) Joe Vialls
(*) = (www) John Kaminski
(*) = (www) Lee Rogers
(*) = (www) Peter Meyers One World
(*) = (www) RaeLynn J Hillhouse
(*) = (www) Voltairenet
(*) = (www) American Friends Service Committee
(*) = (www) Antiwar.com
(*) = (www) Berkeley Stop the War Coalition
(*) = (www) BlackwateR
(*) = (www) Cloak & Dagger
(*) = (www) Educate Yourself
(*) = (www) Forfeiture Endangers American Rights
(*) = (www) Glen L Roberts SSN Sources
(*) = (www) Information Clearing House
(*) = (www) marx2mao.com
(*) = (www) Ogrish.com
(*) = (www) StormFront
(*) = (www) TV News Lies
(*) = (www) War Without End
(*) = (www) What Really Happened
(*) = (www) Christopher Bollyn
(*) = (www) Daryl Bradford Smith
(*) = (www) Eric Hufschmid
(*) = (www) French Connection

+++ Zion
(*) = (www) 900 Quotes
(*) = (www) Aaargh.com
(*) = (www) Behold! - Watchmen BSG
(*) = (www) Carol Valentine
(*) = (www) Debbie Schlussel
(*) = (www) Ernst Zundel
(*) = (www) Frank Weltner
(*) = (www) General Pattons Warning
(*) = (www) Historical Review Press
(*) = (www) Joooooogle
(*) = (www) Kevin MacDonald
(*) = (www) Liz Dilling
(*) = (www) Mossad
(*) = (www) Nathanael Kapner
(*) = (www) Rothschild.com - offices worldwide
(*) = (www) Rothschild-Dynastie
(*) = (www) History of the Rothschilds - truthseeker image
(*) = (www) History of the Rothschilds - ziopedia image
(*) = (www) Stratfor
(*) = (www) USS Liberty memorial website
(*) = (www) Willie Martin

+++ Legacy bookmarks & shreddable webrot
(*) = (www) Cassiopaean Experiment
(*) = (www) KL Ross calendars
(*) = (www) stargods.org
(*) = (www) 7th Fire News
(*) = (www) BellaCiao
(*) = (www) First Amendment Exercise Machine
(*) = (www) Geeze
(*) = (www) Hoax Busters
(*) = (www) ifamericansknew
(*) = (www) Liberal Oasis
(*) = (www) Orcinus
(*) = (www) Peoples Geography
(*) = (www) Third World Traveller excerpted books
(*) = (www) Benjamin Fulford - Makow summary
(*) = (www) Benjamin Fulford - Rense interview
(*) = (www) Benjamin Fulford - final warning to the illuminati
(*) = (www) Bush Enron Chronology
(*) = (www) Economic Outlook
(*) = (www) Frederick Morton
(*) = (www) Institute for International Economics
(*) = (www) Jose Ernesto Medellin - beyond the pale :)
(*) = (www) NeoCons
(*) = (www) SiliconValley Yahoo POP3
(*) = (www) Why I Hate MicroSoft
(*) = (www) Australian Bible Believers
(*) = (www) Cephas Ministry New World Order
(*) = (www) Hoffmans TalmudTruth
(*) = (www) jesusneverexisted.com
(*) = (www) Animal Welfare & Humane Slaughter
(*) = (www) Great Iraq Swindle
(*) = (www) Health Effects of Marijuana on Humans
(*) = (www) Houston FD Clandestine Lab Primer
(*) = (www) Pacific Institute of Resource Management
(*) = (www) Sams Laser FAQ
(*) = (www) Joan Veon FS
(*) = (www) Martin Lindstedt stuff
(*) = (www) Ward Churchill

+++ Bibliolatry
(*) = (www) The Tanach page - masoretic text
(*) = (www) Books of Enoch - nazirene.org
(*) = (www) Sefer Yetzirah - Westcott edition
(*) = (www) Soncino Talmud - come and hear
(*) = (www) Greek NT Web - basileia & dynamis & doxa &c.
(*) = (www) Bible in Tamil - its unicode
(*) = (www) Bible Gateway
(*) = (www) Bible Resources - NewAdvent
(*) = (www) Noble Quran - USC
(*) = (www) Webkitab - Al-Kitab.org
(*) = (www) Shanameh - Ferdowsi
(*) = (www) Biblioteca Pleyades
(*) = (www) Modern History Project
(*) = (www) JRs Rare Books & Commentary
(*) = (www) Library of Economics & Liberty
(*) = (www) Higher Intellect
(*) = (www) Morals & Dogma - Albert Pike
(*) = (www) Grundsatze der Volkswirtschaftslehre - Carl Menger
(*) = (www) Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu - Maurice Joly
(*) = (www) The Protocols - Learned Elders of Zion
(*) = (www) From Major Jordans Diaries - sweetliberty.org
(*) = (www) Red Symphony - Peter Myers
(*) = (www) Red Symphony - Illuminati News
(*) = (www) Red Symphony - Biblioteca Pleyades
(*) = (www) Economics in One Lesson - Henry Hazlitt
(*) = (www) Clean Break - IASPS
(*) = (pdf) Rebuilding Americas Defenses - PNAC
(*) = (www) Serving Two Flags - planet quo

+++ OS X / AOL
(*) = (www) AOL - whatever hardware youre running install Firefox
(*) = (www) AOL - the worst tech product of all time
(*) = (www) AOL - AOL90SE is toxic waste
(*) = (www) Safari: allhotkeys.com - this is pretty handy
(*) = (www) Safari: getting started - they use it @Wellesley.edu
(*) = (www) Safari: 3.0 beta for windoze - see for yourself why Firefox rules
(*) = (www) apple.com - please download & install Firefox
(*) = (www) dealmac.com - my Firefox 2.0 icon is a DMG every morning
(*) = (www) Mozilla Firefox - main download page
(*) = (www) Mozilla Firefox - FAQ

+++ Documentation
(*) = (www) NCSA HTML Primer - RTFM! GAFC!
(*) = (www) HTML 4.0 Reference - HTMLhelp.com
(*) = (www) W3C Tech Reports - W3C home & HTML 4.1
(*) = (www) ASCII-ISO 8859-1 & HTML - character sets
(*) = (www) Roman Czyborras ISO 8859 - alphabet soup
(*) = (www) ISO 3166 - country codes
(*) = (www) Unix man pages - HTML format
(*) = (www) LYNX links
(*) = (www) IANA - IP address space
(*) = (www) Protocol Directory - TCP/IP
(*) = (www) Internet Glossary - acronyms & emoticons
(*) = (www) BroadBand Reports - current & actually works
(*) = (www) ISP Planet - internet.com & "the list"
(*) = (www) Internet Service Deals - highspeed
(*) = (www) saveonbroadband.com - good glossary &c.
(*) = (www) The Spam Problem - moving beyond RBLs
(*) = (www) Spam URL Realtime Blocklists - surbl.org
(*) = (www) NERDC Homepage
(*) = (www) FDA/CFSAN - search for gophers too
(*) = (www) Microsloth - My XP desktop icons vanished spontaneously
(*) = (www) Windows Registry Tricks
(*) = (www) Windows StartUp Tasks
(*) = (www) RevealTrans demo - MS page transition extensions
(*) = (www) Cyrillic / Russification - KOI8-R &c.
(*) = (www) Yamada Language Center - UOregon
(*) = (www) Oregon Libraries on the Web
(*) = (www) Library Resource List - incl LOC Z39.50 &c.
(*) = (www) Document routing - UCB

+++ Java
(*) = (www) java.sun.com - Java 2 Standard Edition
(*) = (www) java.util docs - J2SE 1.5.0
(*) = (www) IBM Jikes - open source compiler
(*) = (www) Brewing Java - a tutorial
(*) = (www) Java implementations - alternatives 2002
(*) = (www) Java articles - programmers heaven
(*) = (www) Applets FAQ - jguru
(*) = (www) Java programmers FAQ - faqs.org
(*) = (www) Java glossary - gotchas
(*) = (www) Java House - applets / info &c.
(*) = (www) DateFormat examples - javatechniques.com
(*) = (www) MS knowledge base - Java problems
(*) = (www) MSJVM removal tool - major geeks
(*) = (www) Antikythera Mechanism - AMS
(*) = (local) applet page

+++ Flash
(*) = (swf) Virtual Cat - meow
(*) = (swf) Conundrum - raise the cubez
(*) = (swf) Orbox - quite absorbing
(*) = (swf) EasyChess - easy
(*) = (swf) StarshipEleven - nice lander
(*) = (swf) Railroad - the coolest
(*) = (swf) 3D Car Driver - neat
(*) = (swf) Sheepteroids - baaaa
(*) = (swf) Digital Alarm - POQbum
(*) = (swf) DNA replication - basic
(*) = (swf) M101 & phi - NASA
(*) = (swf) jKyrk - RNA translation
(*) = (swf) jKyrk - DNA transcription
(*) = (swf) jKyrk - DNA replication
(*) = (swf) BBC - Fall of France
(*) = (swf) Eric Hufschmid - 911
(*) = (swf) Michael Fowler - physics flashlets
(*) = (www) Adobe - archived flashplayers
(*) = (www) Adobe - flash OBJECT & EMBED tag attributes

+++ Connections: IRC/Services
(*) = (file) file://localhost - home directory
(*) = (www) Connection maintenance page
(*) = (IRC) CGI:IRC - Azzurra.org (milan)
(*) = (IRC) CGI:IRC - Blitzed.org (keep trying)
(*) = (IRC) CGI:IRC - Langochat (french)
(*) = (IRC) CGI:IRC - Netside (its empty!)
(*) = (IRC) CGI:IRC - PolarHome (extra channel)
(*) = (IRC) CGI:IRC - Indymedia (extra channel / java)
(*) = (IRC) CGI:IRC - EFnet (whatever)
(*) = (www) IRChelp.org - Internet Relay Chat
(*) = (www) IRC.org - links including network homepages
(*) = (www) Guide to IRC - includes server lists
(*) = (www) WebFinger gateway - eMailman
(*) = (www) WebPing gateway - Matt Bandy
(*) = (www) WebTelnet example - Digitalinet
(*) = (www) Access Points - wifiFreespot
(*) = (www) Tagcloud-Generator.com
(*) = (www) Tagcrowd.com

+++ eMail
(*) = (www) FastMail.fm - webmail: still the best; has IMAP
(*) = (www) FastMail.fm - webmail: take the LCARS display @warpmail.net :)
(*) = (www) Outblaze.com - webmail: @mail.com
(*) = (www) Outblaze.com - webmail: @kittymail.com
(*) = (www) Outblaze.com - webmail: @uymail.com
(*) = (www) Everyone.net - webmail: @KSJS.org SJSU student radio
(*) = (www) Everyone.net - webmail: @createmail.com
(*) = (www) Freeshell.org - webmail: @sdf.lonestar.org

+++ URL Redirection &c.
(*) = (www) ShortURL.com - still the best address on the net
(*) = (www) dyndns - home of podzone.org
(*) = (www) has.it - down alot
(*) = (www) FreeServers.com - ads mailed
(*) = (www) cjb.net - lotsa ads

+++ Web Hosting
(*) = (www) The Free Site
(*) = (www) free-webhosts.com
(*) = (www) absolutely-free-hosting.com
(*) = (www) FreeCenter

+++ POP3 Servers / Forwarders
(*) = (www) ** Free POP3 Roundup 2007 - Charles Moore
(*) = (www) Pf lavabit - straight up POP3
(*) = (www) Pf zenbe - needs some serious work
(*) = (www) pF FanMail eMail forwarding - rah rah
(*) = (www) PF Freeola - powerful UK ISP
(*) = (www) PF gMail - adequate POP3; forget webmail or IMAP or forwarding

+++ Web-based POP3 Readers (Attrib = Google:FixedFont:Headers:LYNX)
(*) = (www) Directory: eMailAddress.com
(*) = (www) Directory: Google
(*) = (www) Directory: FreeMailGuide
(*) = (www) GFHL Mail2Web - awesome
(*) = (www) GFHL Home eMail - viable
(*) = (www) GFhl eMail Anywhere - popheavy
(*) = (www) GfhL WebMail Anywhere - slow
(*) = (www) GfHL WebPOPMail - lotsa features
(*) = (www) GfHL WorldWide MobileMail - too narrow
(*) = (www) GFhl Marzies WebMail - sticky
(*) = (www) GFhL AlternativeMail - login via error details
(*) = (www) gfhL 3Wmail - slow
(*) = (www) gfhL Penguin WebMail - features

+++ Clients (LYNX = URL:Print:eMail:Download:Telnet:tN3270)
(*) = (telnet) COMM upmdtn Seattle Community Network (visitor)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPMdTn SDSU ()
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPmdTN WashCo (library)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPmdTn Oakland (oakland)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPmdTn Oakland ()
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPmdTn RamseyCo (library)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPMdTn Timberland (dialcat)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPmdtn SFpub (telpac)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UP?dtn DakotaCo (library)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR uPmdTn HowardCo (library)
(*) = (telnet) CWIS upmdTN UALR (fyi)

+++ Legacy Systems
(*) = (www) Internet PubLib - crumbling gopherspace &c.
(*) = (www) UseNet News Info & Public Access
(*) = (www) DMOZ gopher listing
(*) = (gopher) FloodGap
(*) = (gopher) University of Minnesota
(*) = (gopher) LC MARVEL (its history)
(*) = (gopher) kevipow gopher at FreeShell
(*) = (telnet) freeshell.org
(*) = (telnet) UC MELVYL (CDL)
(*) = (telnet) Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries
(*) = (telnet) Georgia Southern CWIS - LIBS (info)
(*) = (telnet) CSU Hayward - HAYSTAC (library)
(*) = (telnet) STI Memphis (pac) - DRA gateway w/50+ gopher
(*) = (telnet) UKans CICS/MVS/VTAM - odd OPAC(OCAT) ^w?
(*) = (tn3270) WVU - cute S/370 frontend

+++ IBM S/370s - VM Webbrowsers & HyTelnet TN3270s
(*) = (tn3270) InfoMcGill - still displays the time

(LA:LSU....) (MI:UMi....) (NY:CUNY...) (NY:SUNY-SB) (SC:Clemson)

+++ Upload Access - shortcuts to non-FTP hosts
(gcLog) (gcFM) (FortuneCity) (FreeServers) (FreeWebs) (RitzPix)

+++ DownLoads / ShareWare / Freebies (ftp &c.)
(*) = (www) Shareware Links - Association of Shareware Professionals
(*) = (www) Download.com
(*) = (www) FileBuzz.com
(*) = (www) Simtel.net - the famous shareware archive
(*) = (www) Simtel.net - uk mirror
(*) = (www) WebAttack.com - freeware &c.
(*) = (www) Hitsquad Musician Network - Shareware Music Machine
(*) = (www) Troubleshooting & Resources - for windoze
(*) = (www) HandyArchive - midi &c.
(*) = (www) Network Bookcase - old school
(*) = (www) Lucs Font Compilations - absolutely great
(*) = (www) Tucows - The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software
(*) = (www) Strouds CWSApps - pretty current
(*) = (www) Popup Killer Review - intelligent
(*) = (www) GIF links - Kammie Kuppykake
(*) = (www) HREF - free stuff page
(*) = (www) No Junk Free Stuff - free stuff
(*) = (www) freeblogdirectory.net

+++ Credits with Many Thanx
(*) = (www) Arachne - awesome DOS webbrowser / eMail client
(*) = (www) cQuicktrans - awesome Chinese translator
(*) = (www) Damn Small Linux - Knoppix / Debian on a stick
(*) = (www) Eudora - eMail v7.1 (also for MacOSX)
(*) = (www) Eudora Rescue - Thunderburp here I come
(*) = (www) Foxit PDF reader - small & fast
(*) = (www) ImgBurn - excellent free CD burner / copier
(*) = (www) LYNX386 - runs great even *without* Unix
(*) = (www) MailWasher - free spam bouncing
(*) = (www) MalwareBytes AntiMalware - one byte at a time
(*) = (www) MetaPad - excellent NotePad replacement
(*) = (www) PDF995 - quite useful
(*) = (www) SimpTerm - Hanzi-enabled Win VT100 for TCP/IP by Jianqing Hu
(*) = (www) Thunderbird webmail extension - POP3 for your webmail
(*) = (www) MyDoom security response - Symantec
(*) = (www) W32/Rbot-OB virus information - Sophos
(*) = (www) VIA AC97 Combo Driver v5.40a - LostMyDrivers.com
(*) = (www) killabannerz - for example
(*) = (www) Sakar 57482 - 4.1 megapixel
(*) = (www) HEB Computer Medics - Your Personal FullService IT Department
(*) = (www) Vinz - a passion since early childhood
(*) = (www) RA Glover - lunarpoodle.com
(*) = (www) spamdlish.net - swiss & cheesy
(*) = (www) Tim Powell & MJ Crawford - the Language Teacher
(*) = (www) Tim Powell & MJ Crawford - CircleOmega mirror
(*) = (www) Internet Association Corporation - AlumLink eMail
(*) = (www) LanMinds Internet - Berkeley Boulder Tokyo
(*) = (www) 1stConnect - toezup
(*) = (www) ValuePlus Internet - hez cool
(*) = (www) Internet Frontier - greatest dialup ever
(*) = (www) AwesomeNet - south Texas largest dialup provider
(*) = (www) LocalNet - Buffalo dialup nationwide
(*) = (www) sonic.net - getting closer ...

Last update 2009mar03am0303 : 06 Chuen 14 Kayab
© 1995-2009 Screaming CuckooBroad Associates
....+....1.. Kevin A Powell .3....+....4
(!) kevipow@tifosi.net
(!) http://kevipow.vze.com
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