
Trading Card Game:

Top Cards


Here is my list of the best cards in the Harry Potter TCG, in no particular order.


4 Privet Drive

Uncommon, 29/116


This is an awsome card. It is probably the best card in the whole game so far. Its uncommon and stops your opponent playing spells. Since most cards are spells it is super powerful. it can protect your heavy duty creatures (eg. Fluffy) or just slow your opponent down. Your opponent can still play creatures and adventures, but you can deal with those. After you play this card play either Obliviate or Charms Exam to discard their hand and then they have to get six cards again! It also has a bad reward for your opponent as well! The only way this card can be discarded without solving it by your opponent is by using Prof. M. McGonagall and that can only be used once per game.


Rare, 4/80


12 damage, 21 health! Do I need to say any more? When you play this creature you have to watch out for Tranfiguration cards like Incarifors, Take Root and Vanish. Be careful, Fluffy can't just go into any deck because of the power it needs to get onto the table (10 CoMC then discard 2).

Burning Bitroot Balm

Uncommon, 45/116


Although you have to discard 1 of your Potion lessons its a tiny sacrifice to be able to heal 10 non-healing cards back into your deck (sadly you have to shuffle them back in)! You could bring back Mountain Trolls, Stuperfys and even your 4 Privet Drive that was solved. Are you starting to see its possibilities? You could always use Elixer of Life but you would have to power it up with 10 potions and then discard two...

Mountain Troll

Rare, 28/116


Although it is not as powerful as Fluffy, it is still very strong and since it isn't unique you can play 4 at a time. It has a high power up cost but at least you don't need to discard anything. Not even a Vermilious will be able to take Mountain Troll down. If you got 2 or 3 of these out you could be doing 8-12 damage each turn! Watch out for Bluebell Flames since that'll destroy Mountain Troll in one hit.

Charms Exam

Rare, 3/80


A much cheaper version of Obliviate (by 5 charms lessons), its only flaw is that it lets your opponent draw any amount of cards. Thats why you play another Charms Exam. It can be really effective if your opponent plays with Harry Potter because they would probably picking up lots of cards making Charms Exam really effective.

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