If you haven't already joined my guild, join it here. Here is where we will have more in detailed information about stuff on the guild site. We will post contests, house points, and links to different shops that have sponsored the guild. We will also have a member of the month. They will get a special prize, and can't be it more than once.
The House Cup will be given out at the end of each month. It will be given to the house with the most points. To get points, you must do all your homework,be an active member and donate items to our Guild Donation Spot. Each House Cup winner will recieve a special prize! Here are the current standings.
Hufflepuff- July 2001 Gryffindor- August 2001 Slytherin- September 2001 Slytherin- October 2001 Ravenclaw- November 2001 Gryffindor- December 2001 Gryffindor- January 2002 Gryffindor- February 2002 Ravenclaw- March 2002 Hufflepuff- April 2002 Hufflepuff- May 2002 Gryffindor- June 2002 Ravenclaw- July 2002 Gryffindor- August 2002 Slytherin- September 2002 none- October 2002 none- November 2002 none- December 2002 Gryffindor- January 2003 none- February 2003 none- March 2003 none- April 2003 none- May 2003 none- June 2003
There will be a member of the month announced at the end of each month. In order to be one, you must be an active member of this guild, post messages often, invite people to the guild, donate items, and be overall helpfull. The winner each month will get a faerie of their choice. The past winners are listed below.
gambit13131313- July 2001
jimena_2001- August 2001
chibiusa_usagi- September 2001
dragon_dude747- October 2001
none- November 2001
babytwinklystar- December 2001
puppyblew_lovers- January 2002
howler109- February 2002
hermioknee86- March 2002
straberryshortcake00- April 2002
none- May 2002
lonelyinatlantis- June 2002
aces000- July 2002
daltons_mom- August 2002
none- September 2002
none- October 2002
none- November 2002
none- December 2002
none- January 2003
none- February 2003
none- March 2003
none- April 2003
none- May 2003
none- June 2003
Grocery Store
House Newspapers
If you are gonna make a comment, please put your username down.