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When you have finished your homework, neomail the answers to the teachers below.

If you would like to be a teacher, you MUST know how to make websites.

Charms- ilovebrian6921
Quidditch- imamuffin
Herbology- l0velybunny
Transfiguration- catmosterfer
Muggle Studies- cute_kitten34
Potions- addicted_neopian
Divination- cjstar12121212
Ancient Runes
History Of Magic- loveabye35
Care Of Magical Creatures- kaleygranger
Defence Against The Dark Arts- taf22
Astronomy- sillygirlrowena11
Magical Theory

Hogwarts Traditions- animal_lover7866
Hogwarts Studies
Famous Wizards and Witches
History Of Hogwarts- aries3251990
Wizarding Skills

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