Dr. H.P.RANI., Ph.D
Department of Mathematics and Humanities, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India.
E-mail: hp_rani@yahoo.com
Work experience
Jan. 08 - Till Date: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Humanities,
National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India.
Sep. 06 - Aug. 07: Research Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Kyung Hee University, Korea
Feb. 03 - Aug. 06:
Post Doctorate Fellow,
Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering
                              National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.               
Jul. 00 - Jul. 02:  Software Engineer,
The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hong Kong.
Academic Qualifications:
Ph.D., (Computational Fluid Dynamics)  2001  Anna University,  India.
Master of Science in Mathematics,  1995
Anna University,   India.
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, 1993 Queen Mary's College, India.
Research Interests:
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Biomechanics,  Numerical analysis, Heat and Mass Transfer and Non-linear dynamics.
Technical Skills:
OS  : OpenVMS, WinNT/Win98/2K, UNIX 
Languages : C, C++, FORTRAN
GUI         : Visual Basic 5.0
Database  : MS-Access
Development Tools : VC++
Hardware : DEC-Alpha
Other       : Reflection for UNIX and Digital V9.0, Mat Lab, 
                        TECPLOT, TGS-AMIRA,
CFDRC V2003.
Training courses undergone:
1. Summer School on Modeling of the Cardiovascular System and the Symposium on Modeling on Physiological Flows, by HaeMOdel RTN Eu-project and the Bernoulli Centre (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug 25th - Sept 3rd, 2003.
2. CFD-ACE+ Advanced User Training in National Centre of High-Performance Computing, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 24-25, 2003.
3. Open VMS Fundamentals & DCL Commands in Global Knowledge, HongKong, Sept.25-29, 2000.
4. Integrated Professional Software Programme in System Applications (Programming  in UNIX and C) in Anna University, India. May 97 to Aug. 97.
5. OOPS, C++ and Visual C++ in STG International Ltd, India, April 2000.
6. Programming in Visual Basic 5.0 in STG International Ltd, India, July 2000.
Research topics during PDF, Ph.D and M.Sc:
PDF : 
       1. Development of a Surgical Planning for TACE environment
       2. Computational exploration of Liver Acinus microstructure
       3. Non-Linear dynamics of 3D backward facing step /sudden expansion / vertical Bridgman flows.
Ph.D :
    Natural convection flow over vertical cylinder.
PDF Research work :
Pressure distribution in Liver Microcirculation
Kelvin-Helmoltz instability in 3D Backward facing step flow
Stability Analysis in Vertical Bridgman Problem
Papers published in International Journals:

1. "Transient free convection on a vertical cylinder with variable viscoisty and thermal conductivity", H.P. Rani, C.N. Kim, Int. J. Thermophysics and heat transfer. (Accepted)
2."Multiple states, topology and bifurcations of natural convection in a cubical cavity", Tony W. H. Sheu, H.P. Rani, Teu-Chia Tan and S.F. Tsai, Computers and Fluids (Accepted).
3. "Transient free convection flow over an isothermal vertical clyinder with temperature dependent viscosity", H.P. Rani and C.N.Kim, Korean Jr. of Chemical Engineering, (In Press).
4. "Eddy structures in a transitional backward-facing step flow", Jr. of Fluid Mechanics, H.P. Rani and Tony W.H. Sheu, Vol. 588, pp. 43-58.
5. "Exploration of vortex dynamics for transitional flows in a 3D backward-facing step channel",  Tony W.H. Sheu and H.P. Rani, Jr. of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.550, pp. 61-83.
6. "Development of an electro osmotic flow model to study the dynamic behavior in human meridian", Tony W.H. Sheu, Vincent Hwang and H.P. Rani, Int. J. Numerical Methods in Fluids. (In Press).
7. "Numerical investigation of non-Newtonian microcirculatory blood flow in hepatic lobule", H.P. Rani, Tony W. H. Sheu, T.M. Chang, P.C. Liang, Jr. of Biomechanics, 2004, Available online.
8. "Nonlinear dynamics in a backward-facing step flow", Vol. 18, 084101, pp.1-14, H.P. Rani and Tony. W.H. Sheu, Physics of fluids.
9.. "Numerical solution of unsteady flow past a vertical cylinder with temperature osillations", Int. J. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen-Engineering Research, H.P. Rani, R. Devaraj, Vol. 68, pp. 75-78, 2003
10." Transient natural convection along a vertical clyinder with variable surface temperature and mass diffusion",  H.P. Rani, Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol. 40, pp. 67-73.
11. "On Diffusion of Chemically reactive species in convective flow along a Vertical Cylinder",  P. Ganesan, H.P. Rani, Chemical Engineering and Processing,Vol.39, pp.93-105, 2000.
11. "Transient natural convection flow over vertical cylinder with variable surface temperature", Int. Jr. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen - Engineering Research, P. Ganesan, H.P. Rani,  Vol.66, pp.11-16, 2000.
13. "Unsteady free convection MHD flow past a vertical cylinder",  P. Ganesan, H.P. Rani, Int. Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.39, pp.265-272, 2000.
14. "Unsteady free convection on a vertical cylinder with variable Heat and Mass flux", P. Ganesan, H.P. Rani,  Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.35, pp.259-265, 1999 .
15. "Transient natural convection along vertical cylinder with Heat and Mass Transfer",    P. Ganesan, H.P. Rani, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.33, pp.449-455.

Papers communicated / in progress:

1. Nonlinear dynamics of natural convection in a cubical cavity:- Stability and route to chaos. Tony W. H. Sheu, H.P. Rani, Teu-Chia Tan and S.F. Tsai, Communicated to Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
2. Analysis of counter-rotating vortex (CVP) in a 3D backward-facing step flow based on helix and Lamb vector. H.P Rani, Tony W. H. Sheu, in progress for publication in Proceedings of Royal Society London.
3. Numerical insight of Hepatic hemodynamics in TACE surgery, Tony W. H. Sheu, H.P. Rani, Erick S.F. Tsai, in progress for publication in Annals of Biomedical Engineering.

Papers presented / attended in International / National Conference / Workshop / Symposium:

1. H. P. Rani, Tony W. H. Sheu, P. C. Liang, “Computational exploration of liver acinus microstructure” 21st International congress of theoretical and applied mechanics”  August 15-21, 2004 at Warsaw, Poland.

2. Tony W.H. Sheu, Eric S.F. Tsai, C.W. Chou, H.P. Rani, P. C. Liang, P.O. Lee, “A planning tool for hepatic radiofrequency ablation and TACE surgery” The 11th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Tai-Tung, August, 2004.

3. Tony W. H. Sheu, H.P. Rani,  “A computational study on the Hepatic hemodynamics in TACE surgery”, ERCIM Working Group, IM2IM, December 1-2, 2003, Fonds National de la Recherche of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, London, UK.

4. H. P. Rani, Tony W. H. Sheu, Y. J. Jan, “Study of hemodynamic flows in TACE surgery for hepatocellular carcinoma”, 13th Int. Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Institute of Biomedical Engineering National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 12-15, 2003.

5. P. Ganesan and H.P. Rani, “Transient Natural Convection along Isothermal Vertical Cylinder with Constant Mass Flux” in 15th National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and Fourth ISHMT/ASME joint Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, January 12-14, 2000, pp.477-282.

6. P. Ganesan and H.P. Rani, “The First-Order Chemical reaction on a vertical cylinder with constant heat and mass flux” in 33rd National Heat Transfer Conference, New Mexico, U.S.A. August 15-17, 1999.

7. P. Ganesan and H.P. Rani, “Unsteady Natural Convection with Mass Transfer Over a Cylinder”, International Symposium on Mathematical Physics, 28th December 1997– 1st January 1998, Calcutta, India.
Personal Details :
Citizenship     : India
Sex : Female
Date of Birth  : 25.01.1973