This is actually a very new endeavor and a work in progress. Greeting cards will be posted here as they become available. So please check back to this page to see all the latest additions.



series 1        for prices and ordering email us

Winter Solstice December 21

In the Threskian Tradition this day is called KORMIA In the more common pagan tradition this day is called YULE


mid-Winter February 4

In the Threskian Tradition this day is called LENNEA, in the more common pagan tradition this day is called IMBOLC.

Spring Equinox March 21

In the Threskian Tradition this day is called MYTHOS, in the more common pagan tradition this day is called OSTARA

mid-Spring May 1

In the Threskian Tradition this day is called ANTHOS, in the more common pagan tradition this day is called BELTANE

Summer Solstice June 20

In the Threskian Tradition this day is called PYROS, in the more common pagan tradition this day is called LITHIA

mid-Summer August 1

In the Threskian Tradition this day is called KRONIA, in the more common pagan tradition this day is called LAMMAS

