Veni - Vidi - Cacti
The Cactus Watchcats
Copyright by Hannes Proschko
I am in the lucky position to have three guards for my cacti collection:
This is STANLEY.
His competence are birds and little dogs.
Due to his weight (about 8 kg) he is not the fastest,
but he has a unique catching technique.
From a viewing point 1-2 m above the ground he lets himself fall on the victim
so the poor animal is shocked in face of a heavy big black monster coming from the skies
and no more able to run away.
This is LISA, the mother of Stanley,
responsible for mice, frogs and spiders.
Last but not least let me introduce ALFONS, the killer.
Alfons is the oldest of the three watchcats and therefore the chief,
so Alfons is responsible for the final bite.
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