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This is a site dedicated to chan, ie: a sexual and/or romantic relationship between an adult and a child or two children. Please do not continue on to any of the links listed on this page if it is not legal for you to view such content in the country/state where you live.


|12.Oct.2003| We are currently getting everything recoded and moved to the new site. Please be patient while we get everthing up. In the mean time visit our LJ community. The 2nd Wave of the HPCFC began on October 6th! Go to here and claim your challenge!

|7.Sept.2003| Layout change, you can now now have frames or no frames. Updates in fanfiction, HPCFC and links sections. The fanart section is still under construction so please be patient.

|24.July.2003| All fanfiction is up. However the art section is not up at all and the links are not complete.


We no longer have a Yahoo!Group due to the fact that Yahoo continues to shut us down despite our efforts to escape notice.
The livejournal community can be found here.


Webmistress Leanan Sidhe |email| |livejournal|
Site Owner Little Needle
|email| |livejournal|