If you would like to become a groupie, please write so in my guestbook or e-mail me. Here are some groupie names that are not taken:

Ass Wiper
Ass Sniffer
Ass Biter
Ass Licker
Ass Grinder
Ass Avoider
Ass Pusher
Ass Whipper
Ass Shaver
Ass Raper
Ass Kisser
Ass Pincer
Ass Humper

If you have a name that you like, but is not on the list, please let me see it. If I like it, you will become a groupie under that name.

                   Ass Groupie Association Form

       Age:   _____________________________
       Ass Groupie Name:____________________

            *~Please fill out the form and send to me!~*
back to my homepage
Groupies of America
Phebe: Ass Finder
(found the O Holy ASS)
Katelyn: Ass Goblin
(Compliments of Beavis and Butt-head)
Tim: Ass Grabber
Colleen: Ass Kicker
Laura: Ass Picker
Angela: Ass Ripper
Evona: Ass Smacker
Steff: Ass Watcher
Danny: Ass Observer
Megan: Ass Shaker
Lacey: Ass Rapper