Harry Potter Hideout!

"Remember Millicent Bulstrode wrestling with me at the dueling club? She left this on my robe when she was trying to strangle me!"

Books Movies Interact Magic Internet HPH

Welcome to Harry Potter Hideout! Harry Potter Hideout is a fansite dedicated to the book series and movie of "Harry Potter" and all the stars and characters from them! "Harry Potter" is a very popular book by the fabulous author J.K. Rowling! If you want to learn more about the book, go to the Books section. This site is for all the "Harry Potter" fans out there to interact and this site is here to introduce the "Harry Potter" Books and the characters from it to those of you who don't know about it/them. I hope you enjoy your stay and please sign the guestbook on your way out! And thank you for visiting Harry Potter Interactiong! Everyone is always welcomed here so always feel free to interact!

Site Status
Since: Unknown
Host: Geocities.com
Type: Fansite
Based on: Harry Potter
Total Sections: 300+




J.k. Rowling has finished the 5th book! YAHNESS! But the bad news is...it probobly wont be out for another year!
I added a new page:
How the Harry Potter Characters ate a reese's Peanut Butter Cup

- Ashley | @| AIM |M|B |DP|


OMG I am like SOOOOOOOOO sorry for not updating! I have been working really hard on my Official website. I re-did the WHOLE thing! Well here is some news....

Tuesday, September 10, 2002
HPSS/HPCS director, Chris Columbus celebrated his 44th birthday! Happy B-Day, Chris! ;)

"The Count of Monte Cristo", which co-stars Richard Harris (Dumbledore) arrived on DVD and Video, which I highly, highly recommend you checking out.

In the growing hype over Thursday's premiere of the second CoS trailer, the Official Site actually had an update ("stop the presses!") and released pictures of five new character banners, which will soon be seen in theaters.

September 12, 2002
The day that HP fans have been waiting for the first movie came out--an action-packed trailer for CoS. After initial reports, The WB confirmed that the trailer would indeed be airing alongside their premiere of "Family Affair" (a "comedy"). And it got even better when the Official Site was nice enough to actually put the whole thing online, instead of a 30-sec teaser for a teaser (which some of you may remember back in June :p).

- Ashley | @| AIM |M|B |DP|


Hey there my fellow HP fans, Well, I added some things I hope you will enjoy...

Quidditch Tricks
The Yule Ball
Fake Book 5 Covers
Also I got some pics...

I just counted how many pages there are on this site and there is exactly 320!!!! Isnt that awesome! You guys can never get board here!! I am soooo Happy all that hard work paid off!! If only this site had a better layout... hm... Oh Well I just don't know FTP which makes it stink oh well its not the look that counts its the content!


Ok I have like over 10 page ideas that I hope to add by the end of this week sometime. Today is a weekday and I still have not finished all my homework snd studying for the day but I wanted to go on the computer since I haven't been on for a while. Here is what I added today--->

Fake Book 5 Covers
Future Book Rumors and titles
Interesting Facts
You know you have read to much Harry Potter when...

- Ashley | @| AIM |M|B |DP|


Tom Felton
James and Oliver


Hey Chickies and the Dudes! Wuz ^? Guess what I just came up with a little snitch icon!! its: ^0^ Isn't it Cute!? Lol I know I got a lot of time on my hands to come up with these stupid things. Well any way I did tons of updating and adding new pages. I forgot the things I updated put here are the things I added:

Hermione Movie Quotes
Other Hermiones
Like Hermione
School Supllies
Small Theories

Ok Other than adding these I found this cute thingie! Its a fake stamp with hermione on it! Here it is--->

Along with that I won an award!!

- Ashley | @| AIM |M|B |DP|


Again I am super-dee-dooperly sorry for the lack of updates. I have tons of school work all week long! Even though its thursday I got my work done early and I have time to add some things that I hope you will enjoy!


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Quotes
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Quotes
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Quotes
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Quotes
Daniel FAQ
Daniel Quotes
Potter Friends
Small Theories

- Ashley | @| AIM |M|B |DP|


Hey there my fellow Harry Potter Fans! It is me, Ashley. Well currently I have added one new section which is Potter Obsession see if you are a Full Potter Obssesor! (I am pretty darn close!)

- Ashley | @| AIM |M|B |DP|


Yes my fourth day of being a Highschool girl! lol well I love it its fun and I met tons of new people! Well, hm... lets see here. Well here is some news...


Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets: Seems that Warners is starting to test commercials for "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets." Here's Chris with a point-by-point description of what he saw:

"Just today my friend and I were a part of a test market for the "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" TV Spots. We both saw separate TV Spots. And I just thought I would e-mail a description of the TV Spot I saw to you.

It starts out with a camera view going down what looks like a tower. You then see the Chamber of Secrets open. The spot then cuts to a clip of Dobby using his magic to drop the cake on Uncle Vernon's Sister (I forgot her name, I have only read the Second Book Twice). You then a good view of Dobby and a good look at Moaning Myrtle. You then see various clips of Professor Lockhart and of the Car in the Forbidden Forest. The Movie logo the pops up and says "Coming November 15".

I thought that would be an interesting bit of info. My friend said the other TV Spot may not be Parental Friendly (They shot Harry bleeding) so the may not keep that one. But it also focuses on the Potter/Malfoy feud a little more."

Sounds awesome! Except, would revealing soo many new characters (especially Myrtle) be too spoiling? I seem to think so :)

i hope they show both i mean the blood could be to violent but they showed fluffy and they show it on the movie so they r prepared on seeing blood in the movie!!

In loads of cell-fone companies of All over the world (I´v heard so far of Spain, Argentina and Paraguay) you can download from the internet Hedwings Theme to send to your cellphone. Search in your cell-phone's company Home page!

In Argentinian Politics, There´s this woman (a minister) who wanted to make an exorsicm to the Palace of Justice.They called her Harry Potter in Argentina. What do you think? What does Harry has to do with exorcism?E-mail me if u think of something


Well, thats all for now on like news and stuff. I am thinking of new page ideas but since school has started my brain is like burnt out from all my school work. For the rest of the school year since most of the time I have tons of Homework I probobly wont be able 2 update my HP site everyday like I did during the summer. I am going to probobly add news on week days if I get the chance and if I dont I will do it on the weekends. Also on the weekend I will do stuff like updating or adding new pages but keep in mind everytime I get online I dont just update this site. I have friends to chat with emails to read and people to help all of which take time. I cant only concentrate on this but I will as much as I possibly can. Remember I might not be able to update every week because I have plans or something but I will try and do something each day I can. Well, I need to update my Blog and Official Website so I g2g bye now.

- Ashley | @| AIM |M|B |DP|


School Starts tomorrow. ::Sniff sniff: Oh well I got some(ok A LOT of) cool pics! Im going to add these to the photo Gallery. I am hoping to finish the photo Gallery soon!

Other than adding a zillion pics hehe I added a new section!---> Humorous its just parts of the books I thought were funny.

- Ashley | @| AIM |M|B |DP|


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