"God Bless America"


Heartland Partners In Prayer
offers their prayers to all who lost
family, friends and neighbours.
We pray for our world leaders as
we strive for world peace

God Bless America!

firemen raising flag

New York/Washington
September 11, 2001

Book of Condolence

Following the terrorist attack on
New York and Washington on
Tuesday 11th September 2001

Jesus Said,
“I am the light of the world.”
Let His light shine,
through us, in this dark world

American Flag

New York Flag Washington, D.C.

Please take a moment and pray:
National Prayer

Financial Contributions:

American Red Cross

United Way

Salvation Army

Those with yahoo points:-
Donate your yahoo points


Click the image below to return to HPIP


This page was created by Stu
(with help from Lindy) 9/15/2001
There is no counter,as this page is not
about visitors. It is about people and
your words in the guest book for those in need.
Show them you care; please sign the book!

The song is "God Bless America"
resequenced especially for this page and
for the disaster by Stu
using Soundblaster Live 1024 b drivers

Use extended midi drivers or use winamp
to play the midi...to hear the full 16 channels

Thank you!
Page last updated March 3, 2004
9:41 PM GMT