Jr. Bible Quiz

Jr. Bible Quiz

How well do you know your bible?
How about giving our quiz a try; see how good you an do?
Just fill out the information, answer the Jr. Bible Quiz questions.
You can win an award!

The Bible verse is listed so you can look up the answer if you need to.
We pray you do well. Be sure to send us your answers
IMPORTANT... Don't forget to fill out your Name, Email and website
so we can get back to you!

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1. In the beginning _____ created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

2. Who was Adam and Eve's first son? Genesis 4:1

3. Why did God tell Noah to build the ark? Genesis 6:7

4. Pharaoh's daughter named the baby she found ______, because she "drew him out of the water." Exodus 2:10

5. Who did God speak to at the burning bush? Exodus 3:6

6. Where was Jesus born? Matthew 2:1

7. When do we celebrate Jesus' birthday? no scripture :o)

8. Who commanded the sun and moon to stand still when this Israelites fought the Amorites? Joshua 10:12-13

9. God made woman from the _____ which He took from Adam. Genesis 2:22

10. How long where the flood waters upon the earth? Genesis 7:24

11. God told Abraham He would spare Sodom if He found as few as how many good people there? Genesis 18:32

12. What happened to Lot's wife when she looked behind them as they left Sodom? Genesis 19:26

13. Esau gave up his birthright by giving it to Jacob for what? Genesis 25:34

OK....that's it!! Give us a few days to review your answers and be watching your mailbox!!

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