Rules01. You must have a valid email address.
02.If you have a site, please place a code up within one or two days of submission.
03.If you have a site, please keep the code up at all times. Never take it down. Not that hard is it?.
04.If your site moves or is being deleted, it is your job to notify me. Since a site is not required, you will remain a member if your site is deleted.
05.In the comments please put "elephant" so I know you've read these rules!
06.If you have a site, please make sure the URL is valid and that I can find the code. If I cannot find it, I will only be allowed to add you with your e-mail address.
07.Please respect the fact that I withhold the right to accept or deny anyone. This includes someone who does not follow the rules!Once again so i know you have read the rules dont put "elephant" in the comments box
08. This isn't really a rule, but if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to ask!
Thank you for reading my rules! Please click on "join" and then get a code! :)