Here the promised rough translation of the German text of the opening page.

Be extremely careful when dealing with the British authorites.

They release a mass murderer, who killed hundreds of innocent people on humanitarian grounds. Yet people who give them a word of advice about the extremely poor security at Edinburgh airport, are kept quiet by ---refusing them their prescribed medication--- when in police custody. For good measure the cell the put you in is absolutely filthy and they refuse to let you wash your hand before eating food. Of course, all this is "on humanitarian grounds"!!


Even worse is the case of the mother and her disabled son who were terroised for ten years by local youths. The brave police and the nice neighbours did absolutely nothing for about 10 years to stop this. In the end they decided the only way out was to take their own lives. The police showed absolutely no shame when they brushed off this scandal with a couple of words of condolence.

After a couple of days, the war in Afgahnistan was again glorified by the media. The fact that in the UK and other places, no one is safe, interests nobody. The main thing is, that Afghanistan is safe!

I have personally experienced the British Police at work during my 30 hour internment for alledged "Breach of the Peace" and I observed:

Within the British Police service there are some pompous, criminal and racist officers. The typically behave like neo colonial rulers, see in Afghanistan and even worse globally too (British Empire upon which the sun never set). Most dangerous is the inferiority complex they all seem to have and take this out on weak or innocent internees.

Take the greatest care when dealing with these people!

Who says, that there is no BSE any more?


one of the latest mails from Scotland

Is racism rife in the Edinburgh legal system?

A British man who admitted to have said that he had a bomb and would blow up Perth railway station, got fined 200 Pounds.

hp, you as a bloody German had the privilege to pay Pounds 300 to get out of jail or being kept in custody for 40 days!

This, although you never said you would blow up the airport, but just complained about the lack of security and above all, there had been no disturbance of the peace whatsoever, at any time. No wonder they don't want to show the CCTV recordings,these b......!

Under Construction

Please do apologize for bad English, but my mother tongue is German.

Who is hp? ....

hp:always in trouble, because he is telling the truth.

Mrs.R.S. ever said to hp: No one is interested in the truth!

Please make up your own mind!

hp was fired as an independant works council in Germany , see: :

because he told the truth about the stealing management, the pollution, the environment and cared too much for the health and the wages of the operators.

hp was arrested at Edinburgh airport, because he told the truth about the lack of security at Edinburgh airport, as you can read.

hp moonen [59-"a bloody German"] is [ was] a more than regular passionate visitor to bonny Scotland since more than 31 years [ between 2 and 3 times a year ] and has got many friends there. Since the late 1980 he was also a member of a scottisch golf club. On 25.09.2006 hp was arrested at Edinburg airport, because he said his opinion about the severe lack of security at Edinburgh airport. He did this, although he knew,

that nothing hurts more than the truth !!!

As we all know, - a very few still do not want or can see it that way - ,

GB is a prime target for so called terrorists!

As a result one does not feel too safe on British airports.

Because of this fact hp was more than disappointed about the fact, that in recent years the airport in Edinburgh [can only talk about this airport because I only used this one the last years ] has not increased their security enough, despite a constantly growing threat of terrorist attacks.

This in mind, the following happened on 25.09.2006.

hp moonen had already passed the CS -Central Search- of Edinburgh Airport on the first floor without any complications, when he turned to one of the security poeple, saying the following.


Excuse me Sir, but what you are doing at the CS up here is an absolute bullshit. If I were a terrorist I would blow up the whole airport. This CS needs to be in front of the entrances of the airport, not to forget the nonsense, that all sharp things are being confiscated, even a pitchmarkrepairer. After your check one only has to walk some 10 meters, buy a few bottles of "Duty Free", bang them against each other and one has several highly dangerous weapons!


The security person told me to wait going direction of his superior, adding that he would not allow me to fly home. His superior later came to me insisting that I had said, that I would blow up the whole airport.-- a bare faced lie!!!

From now on I could say whatever I wanted, no one would listen to me and my arguments any more. Within minutes I was arrested and hancuffed. The handcuffs were by far too tight around my arm. I had a lot of pain, but the 2 policemen refuesd to loosen them [ despite me begging to do so several times] and brougt me into jail, where I had to stay for about 30 hours, before an assigned counsel could get me free after having to pay Pounds 300 first.


Another thing, just after my arrest, I asked to telephone a friend of mine in Germany who was waiting to pick me up at Cologne airport. I wanted to inform him that I had been arrested to save him the bother of traveling and waiting at the airport. Naturally this request was refused. At the end of the day and after a long global search, they had finally caught me, a "Top Terrorist" and blood brother of Bin Laden!


The "lady" procurator fiscal L.Thomson [ please see mail about this nice Lady further down] had fiercely insisted on

---40 days inprisonment, because of breach of peace --

[ samples for DNA tests were taken and also several criminal mugshots of me! ]

this, although I had never been heard-

I even could not read what I was exactly charged for, because I did not get my spectacles,

also there was no interpreter allowed anyhow!!!

Besides, there had never been the slightest disruption at the airport, what so ever!!!

Also the CCD cameras pictures were never presented, although there had been more than enough time to bring them in. ---

Thanks to the skill of my assigned counsel I was released on bail after 30 hours already.

On December 13 the case will come up for trial again in Edinburgh, estimated costs for the defense, between 750 and 1000 Pounds.

On 26.09.2006 I was not even heard in court.

During writing down my personal details and searching my belongings I was also able to make a statement of how I saw this case. Now the best of it, the "helpful" police officer only wrote down what suited him to justify his own behaviour and that of his collegues - writing things completely out of context! I was not allowed to see the falsified statemant, sign or add for instance a true remark on it!!!
And now the worst.

When I was arrested I was asked which medication I needed. I told the police that I needed pills against my high bloodpressure.The "lady" police then agrssively said, why have you only got so few pills with you. What a stupid question, I was on my way back home!

During the evening and the night I had terrible headache and difficulties with the pace of my heart.I had to beg 3 times before my bloodpressure was measured somewhen in the middle of the night by a nurse. 200 by 140 !!! I asked for my bloodpressure pill again, refused! A phone call to the German ambassey was also refused. In the morning, the blood pressure was measured for the second time 180 by [ 120-or 140?]. And still I did not get my medicine.

Neither the German Ambassey nor my assigned counsel got the police to give me the Medcine I needed!!!

The nurse everytime said, we are watching this.

I'm convinced : They would have watched me die in prison!

I think that these are similar treatments as those that were used around 70 years ago by the Nazi-SS and later by the Stasi, but happening today in the 21 century in a so called democratic country!!!

Only when I was released after 30 hours I was able to take the medicine I urgently needed for so long- outside the jail.

Could it be, that the prisoners in the disgraced-prison Guantanamo are being treated better?

*** How one is forced to eat Fish an Chips with "shitty" hands, because one is refused a cleaning of the hands again and again!!!

***While in custody ( not in court )you will be forced to walk on your socks on the concrete floor of your draughty single-cell.

***Have a wash, only once, in the morning, no shaving.

***Before your release you will have to sign, that you got back all your belongings, without being able to check wether they are complete or still in good order.

***Then you will be led to the outside prison/court door where your belongings, all in a plastic sack, will be handed over to you.

Now you are allowed to check, sort and pack your belongings in the street!!!


****Besides you will run through Edinburgh looking like a gipsy trying to get B&B, because one was also refused to shave in prison!

**** Before I forget: DNA tests were made, photos ( with and without glasses ) taken, as well as electronically finger and hand prints!

**** No one at the police knew or wanted to know where my suitcases were. Thus I had to go to the airport first and inquired at -Service Air- about my suitcases. After some ten minutes I was told, that my suitcases were already in Cologne.

On the way to the internetterminal, to book another flight back, I saw the board -Left Laguage- in the right corner. Because I didn't trust anyone any more I asked someone there, just to be on the safe side. Now guess what, they had my suitcases, but they had been opened in the meantime!!!

Edinburgh-Airport: Safety Last, Incompetence and Ignorance, everywhere!

More information soon .

This is Scottish hospitality that has been unknown up to now!!!

"German Tourist Hunt" - instead of - "Haggis Hunt"!

Watch out. There are too many:

--"trigger happy" War Lords, Racists and Neo Colonialists with medieval ways of thinking and treating people--

amongst English and Scottish authorities!!!

Even the Royalties behaving like War Lords, desperate for killing, not even being ashamed to dress like: "Prince H-itler", as someone called him in "Mails and More" after his "SS-wastika incident".

Was this not worse than Breach of Peace?!?

hp was arrested, mistreated and accused for Breach of Peace, only because he verbally complained about the safety at Edi airport.

Free Speech - is - Breach of Peace!- Greetings from Russia and China!

04.01.2007 -- German authorities now investigating the mistreatment of hp at Edinburgh airport, in prison- while in custody- and in Edinburgh Sheriff Court!

Many of you were interested in the outcome of the "German" investigation. For the answer and some Mails and More [ mainly German] please here

hp: I complained against the the life-threatening or at least health- demaging treatment of Edinburgh police in writing and got the following expected answer after many months. Everyone being able to read between the lines can read that they see me as a dirty liar, a really nice police, a real friend.

Is Scotland already a police state?

here, to get to my complaint and the answer of the police.

Don't miss the load of dirty lies of Edinburgh Police. Edi police, criminals in uniform!?!

After having published these absolutely true facts, hp is sure, to no longer be welcome by the Scottish authorities in Scotland. Therefore hp is inviting his Scottish friends to come and see him in Germany, as many of them already did before!!!

Hello, welcome. I'm Edinburgh Airport,

having 2 -E- entrances and 1 -CS- Central Search on the first floor!

Do you think I'm a safe airport, bearing in mind that Great Britain is a prime target for so called terrorists?
Besides I don't answer to mails or registerd letters! Complaints can kiss my arse, as you can see below!


2 mails had been sent to Edinburgh airport, no reply! The above mail had been sent as a registered letter with delivery receipt

three times, on 02.11, 30.11 and 21.12.2006 in the meantime.

Guess what.

No response at all, even the signed delivery receipts never came back, very clever!

What a dirty sump!

A very special mail from: Jx. MGx. and another from Dx. Wx. --Sc--

Will the Sheriff Court in Edinburgh respond now?

Hard to believe, this time the reply already came on 04.05.2007, please see below. My first two letters to the Sheriff Court were never answered or dealt with by them, please see further down.

"Mails and More"

Vielen Dank für die vielen Domainspenden und die Hilfe beim Erstellen und Verbessern meines englischen Textes.


Hx from Xo in Sc. Hallo hp, have a MC&HNY08.

I only recently read your homepage about the BAA, [British Airport Authorities"Arseholes"] as someone in your mails referred to us. We are not all arseholes, as you might have experienced during all your visits to Scotland, but the persons you mention are definity some of the worst we have got amongst us. You are absolutely right, the guy, you complained to first and who turned round your words, was the same idiot, who wanted to drop you into the shit, when you flew in from Germany to Edinburgh on xx.xx.200x and had several bottles of whisky for your Scottish friends in your luggage. This "pompous ass und arse licker" had to be put right by a collegue of mine and had to be told that you were absolutely right and allowed the amount you brought in, as you might remember still.

You also describe the "dangerous character" small and gaunt, coming from the right corner door, wearing no uniform. To make it short and very precise, he is the type of "Archibald Cunningham character" [scum of the earth] as seen in the Rob Roy film. There are too many bad characters around everywhere on the world. I heard that "Scotland", the puffins and oyster catchers are also missing you.


Px from Hx in D.

Hpm, warst �ber 30 Jahre ganz schön blauäugig. Wer hat denn heute noch seine Söldner weltweit aktiv im Einsatz? Wer ist heute noch die kriegslüsternste und gr�sste Kolonialmacht neben den USA? Beide foltern sogar munter im eigenen Land [die brauchen noch nicht einmal Guantanamo]. Die lassen Menschen schlichtweg im Gefängnis verrecken, sehr nobel und "Very British", indem sie ihnen Medikamente vorenthalten, diese Bastarde, und niemanden interessiert es. Hitler war ein schlimmer Massenmörder und Tyrann, aber die sind noch schlimmer, weil sie sich schamlos bei Ihrem schon jahrhunderte andauerden Bomben und Morden auch noch das Deckmäntelchen der Demokratieverteidigung und Freiheit umhängen.


Cx from Bx in D.

Very British of course: Da bekommt der Holocaust Leugner Bischof Williamson Polizeischutz in Gross Britannien , während die Menschen, die die Wahrheit sagen, im Gefängnis landen und wegen Lndesfriedensbruchs angeklagt werden.

Was für eine feine, noble, freie und demokratische Gesellschaft!


Ax from Bx in D.

Was für eine Mutation der britischen Polizei. Wie tief ist sie gesunken, von einem korrekten, hilfsbereiten und freundlichen Bobby zu einem rücksichtslosen, menschenverachtenden und schiesswütigen, mit einer Maschinenpistole bewaffneten Polizisten, richtiger Söldner nach amerikanischen Vorbild, der, wenn �berhaupt, erst nachher Fragen stellt!


Jx from Hx in Sc

Have read all the mails and more and think that it is an understatement to call British authorities triggerhappy.

There has never been a crisis on this earth where earlier the US or the UK were instigators of this crisis. Take for example nowadays Georgia, where the Fifth Columns of thise so called democrats have been active for many years already.


Hx from Hh D

Kriegslüstern trifft den Nagel wirklich auf den Kopf. Wo anders werden z.B. Golfschläger und selbst Lokomotiven nach Kriegs-Regimentern oder todbringendem Kriegsmaterial benannt? hp, wundert mich schon, dass Du dies nicht schon viel fr�her bemerkt hast.


Kx from Dx Sc

Too true. Too many Americans and Brits seem to have an unhealthy love of brutality, weaponary and war.


Fx from Sx GB. Congratulation hp, Did I not tell you that you are a blind seer / Blind Brahan Seer? Again right with what you told these axxxxxxxx in Edinburgh! All of a sudden they are able to also check all cars these stupid and arrogant sxxxxx, something not uncommon, something they had been practising in Northern Ireland for many years already. What is coming next?


Hx from Kx in GB

Hello "Herman the German" You hit the nail on the head. If you had said some bullshit, no one would have bothered. Criticism, especially from foreigners and very especially from "xxxxxx" Germans is not tollerated!

Please do not forget, that too many people still hate the Germans, but desperately want their Euros!!!


Kx from Tx

Täglich sollten hunderte Menschen die Zivilcourage haben und die unhaltbaren Sicherheitslücken am Flughafen in Edinburg bemängeln, bis dieser Scheissladen zusammmenbricht und die Gefängnisse dort überfüllt sind. Uns Deutschen wird immer wieder vorgehalten nichts oder zu wenig gegen Hitler unternommen zu haben, dabei ist man in GB, in einer sogenannten Muster-Demokratie , die man auch noch ins Ausland exportiert, schon zu feige, einfachste Kritik über Sicherheitsmängel zu äussern. Wie tief ist man dort schon gesunken.


Hx from Hx Dx. hp Du hast die politische Situation in GB sehr treffend als SS-Demokratie bezeichnet. Die US Regierung ist ebenso verlogen und kann auch als SS-Demokratie bezeichnet werden[ milde gesagt], siehe dazu den mitgeschickten Artikel. Kein Wunder also, dass die BAA auch in den USA t�tig ist. Übrigens ist Guantanamo eine Erfindung der Briten, die haben schon vor hunderten Jahren Ihr Guantanamo geschaffen, die Sträflingsinsel Australien!

Hier gehts zum Artikel und zur�ck


Px. from Ix. -GB-- The security officer, although not needing a degree in English Language, was obviously unable to distinguish between a comment that was a possibility rather than a potential reality. I guess people dealing with the public don't need a grasp of the language anymore, that is the beauty of minimum wage and perhaps also minimum intelligency?

Wx from Ex.-D--Vergiss Schottland, es sei denn, Du bist lebensmüde!

Dx. from Hx.-D -- So eine gemeingefährliche Handlungsweise h�tte ich vielleicht heute noch in Amerika, Russland oder China erwartet, aber nie in Schottland.

Bx. from Mx.-Xx--Who is the "Brave Heart" today, a "bloody German"?

Ix. from Gx.-GB--Sorry Hans, but they all only want your money!

Wx. from Ex. --G--Hallo hp. Ich glaube Ix hat Recht. Bei einem Besuch in Edinburgh war mir schon aufgefallen, wie unendlich viele Rechtsanwaltsb�ros es dort gab. Nicht auszuschliessen ist demzufolge eine "unheilige Allianz" zwischen der Polizei und Rechtsvertretern.

Px. from Rx. --Xx--Sorry to hear this hp, but please bear in mind.

Most security officers feel insulted if you speak to them, forgetting you the passenger are paying his or her wages though extremely high airport taxes. They are like the guards at the Nazi prisoner of war camps, only used to barking out orders and pushing people around all day. For someone to complain, and even point out the truth, especially a stupid foreigner is a great loss of face for them. No wonder he could not understand your English!

Hx. from Ox.--Dx--Genial, wie man aus einem Furz einen gewaltigen Donnerschlag macht, um Touristen abzuzocken. Kannst froh sein, dass Du das �berlebt hast. Das Mittelalter lässt grüssen!

Ax. from Ux --Xx--Are you sure you were at an international airport and not in a lunatic asylum?

Jx. from Gx. --GB-- Edinburgh seems to be a farmers's airfield with farmer's mentality!!

hp's comment: You are probably right, one of the policemen who arrested me had obviously never seen a German identity card before in his life, the other one had clearly never seen a LED mini torch before! Also a farmer's police?

Xx from Xx. --Sc--. I work for airport security at Edinburgh. The moral of the employees is at an all time low. We are paid a pittance and have been threatened to be replaced by East Europeans if we complain. For Example: the whole airport security is a joke, when it gets busy the intensity of the body metal detectors is reduced, to make fewer passengers be hand searched. Worst is that buses and taxis drive up to the airport entrances, an explosive in the boot would take out the whole building. You are a thorn in their side and will be jailed, if the Fiscal wants eight weeks the Sheriff will give it, no questions asked. Also to complain to the "Keystone cops" is pointless. What is the point of complaining against a force when they investigate it themselves? My tip, don't return to Scotland, they will never forgive you for trying to find justice.

Dx. from Sx. --Sc--hp, is it not most strange, that your duty solicitor did not do a thing for you to help you to get the necessary medication while in jail? Obviously he did not bother you being dead or alive. He would have got his fees anyhow, [even as an inheritance after your death]!

Jx. from Dx. --Gx-- Was für eine Verlogenheit. Da kreuzrittern auch die Schotten als -Achse des Guten- durch die ganze Welt, unter dem Deckmantel Demokratie zu verbreiten, und treten die simpelsten Menschenrechte im eigenen Land mit Füssen. Wer sich schon zu Hause so menschenrechtswidrig verhält, wird sich sicher im Ausland nicht besser verhalten. So sorgt man für nie endenden Terrorismus!

Xx. from Ex. --Sc-- Dear Hans,

I work at Edinburgh Sheriff Court. I, and many of my colleagues are disgusted, no to be quite honest, embarrassed, by the ranting and ravings of Procurator Fiscal Ms. L. Thomson. She is notorious for splitting hairs in court, especially in your case! She is the worst example of a ruthless career woman, worse than any man. We do think of you and wish you success in trying keep Madam "Lady" Thomson in check. Her ruthless way of working which most of us feel is hiding a weak and placid figure who should be pittied rather than punished, has a lot to learn about life yet. The problem is how many people will still have to suffer because of her career driven ranting until then?

Your wise words about character are excellent!

Yours in Scotland,

P.S. Moira Kerr will have to cabge the lyrics to her song �Bravest Heart� and sing about "women and men" now !!!


Ax. from Gx. --Sc--

Who xxx xxxx is procurator fiscal L.Thomson, when she is at home?


Bx. from Kx. --D-- Hallo hp,

das ist ja alles nicht zu glauben. In jedem Schweinestall in Deutschland geht es hygienischer zu als in dem Gefängnis in Edinburg, zudem werden die Schweine hier auch noch "menschlicher" behandelt, als die Gefangenen in Schottlands Gefängnissen und Gerichten!

Hut ab, dass Du den Mut besitzt, diese unhaltbaren Zustände einmal öffentlich zu machen!!!

Fx. from Mx. --D-- hp , du hast Recht. Edinburgh airport ist das Allerletzte. Alle Passagiere mussten sogar ihre Schuhe in CS ausziehen, vorher aber, bis auf der ersten Etage, war alles Erdenkliche möglich. Gut beobachtet auch die Gefahr aus dem Duty Free. Dies will man natürlich nicht wahrhaben, weil wieder mal Geld und Gewinnbeteiligung im Spiel ist. Wie ist eigentlich der Prozess vom 14.12.2006 ausgegangen? Wie sieht die feine "Lady Thomson" eigentlich aus? Hast Du kein Bild von ihr?

Bx from Ax -- Germany-- hp, Du bissen Au Hur, aber Recht hast Du. Die wollen tatsächlich alle nur unser Geld, Deutschland als Welt-Zahlmeister, selbst bei dem Edinburger Gericht. Wegen so einem Bullshit zu verlangen, dass Du zur dieser Kasperle-Verhandlung -oder trug der Richter etwa keine Perücke?-, nachmals extra nach Edinburgh anreisen solltest, ist ebenso nur Geldschinderei, wahrscheinlich sogar in Absprache mit dem dortigen Fremdenverkehrsamt und dem Flughafen in Edinburg! Schade nur, dass du bei dem unbehandelten Blutdruck nicht abgekratzt bist, sonst hätten die auch noch an deinem Tod, Überführung etc. gut verdient! Mich werden die dort jedenfalls nicht sehen!

Px from Gx ---D-- Was er im Internet auf der Edi-airport homepage fand!

Und hier sein Kommentar dazu!

Erschreckend, wie verlogen, korrupt und scheinheilig die Politik und die staatlichen Instanzen in GB sind.

Da werden abertausende Bomben in Afghanistan und im Irak von Flugzeugen abgeworfen und abertausende Menschen getötet und verletzt, was niemanden zu interessieren scheint. Wenn aber auch nur jemand das Wort Bombe auf einem Flughafen in GB ausspricht, oder mangelnde Sicherheit kritisiert, wird er direkt verhaftet und wie ein Krimineller behandelt. Die Briten haben ja ihre Hosen gestrichen voll vor Angst vor einer einzigen Bombe, während man anderen tausendfach Tod , Verderben, Elend und Armut durch britische und amerikanische Bomben bringt. Wer Wind sät, wird Sturm ernten; diese Erfahrung haben wir in Deutschland schon gemacht und hoffentlich auch daraus gelernt. Stellen Sie sich nur vor, Sie würden Folgendes am Flughafen Edinburg auf Deutsch sagen.

---Da ist oder war eine Bombenstimmung.---

Sofort würden Sie inhaftiert und als Krimineller verdonnert, weil irgendein Wichtigtuer, der dazu auch noch keine Ahnung von der Körpersprache hat - Körpersprache ist für den, wenn er z.B. jemanden in den Hintern tritt-- Sie anzeigt und falls nötig auch noch Lügen über Sie erzählt!

Great Britain = Great Bullshit.

Am besten dort wegbleiben, da wird noch so Einiges passieren, aber die Schuld dafür dürfen die Briten bei sich selbst suchen!

Jx. Mx. from Hx --Sc--

hp, You as a German will be ordered at least to 1000 hours community work, - kiss the arse of "Lady" Thomson for 1000 hours!

You are dead right, Edi airport, is a farmer's airport with farmer's security, great in prosecuting innocent people, but having the least safty precautions, as you demonstrated, thus you had to be arrested, because you were telling the truth, and this hurts!!!

Unfortunately for them, they never thought you would make this public yourself on the internet, to show, what liars and unskilled security people are at work at Edi airport, congratulations.

My personal advise: To book Edinburgh airport hotel, please see : for unbeatable prices.


Zwei bemerkenswerte Bilder aus aktuellen Mails.


Ax from Bx - SC -

It is good that the mentality of martial law at Edi airport, as well as the background to it, is made so clear to everyone. Also that people (i.e. customers of the airport) simply don't let themselves be walked over. I think your cards are well marked, the authorities will get you for sure, but hopefully those coming after you will be treated better. So we wish you further success and please stay assertive. We are thinking of you and hope this helps, even if a little.


Hx from Bx --D--

hp, was f�r eine gottverdammte und menschenunwürdige Behandlung hast du über Dich ergehen lassen müssen. Einen Vorteil hat das Ganze aber. Nun weisst Du wenigstens, wer Deine wirklichen Freunde sind und nur die sind es, die im Leben zählen. Übrigens, es scheint tatsächlich in Edinburgh mehr Anwälte als "Midges" in ganz Schottland zu geben. Wer will schon ausschliessen, dass dort auch eine Touristenabzockerindustrie entstanden ist. Prima Soundaufnahmen von den Dieselloks am Ende der Homepage. Hast Du auch welche von Dampfloks?


Ex from Xx --IRL--

hp, you are welcome in Ireland!


Bx aus Hx --D-- Was für eine Sauerei, die man mit Dir in Schottland angestellt hat. Schämen die sich eigentlich nicht? Da schaut die Polizei einerseits tagelang nur zu, wie moderne Strandpiraten in Südengland angeschwemmte Container,- bekannter und sichtbarer Herkunft-, plündern, während die Polizei wie in Deinem Fall direkt schon bei einem verbalen Hinweis auf eklatante Sicherheitsmängel am Flughafen in Edinburg eine Verhaftungen vornimmt und auch noch 40 Tage Haft erwirken will.

Eins ist sicher; das hat mit normalem Menschenverstand nichts mehr zu tun,

da muss schon BSE im Spiel sein!


From Ireland. Dear Hans,

I work for the Irish Tourist Board "Failte Ireland" I was shocked and disgusted at your treatment in Edinburgh. We had record visitors in Ireland in 2006 with a revenue of nearly 6 billion Euro. I think the main reason for this is our difference in attitude to our visitors. The old empire mentality of GB, sadly getting even worse with a more independent Scotland, pictures foreigners as second class sub humans to be humiliated and degraded whenever possible. In our National Anthem, "The Soldiers Song" only two classes of people are not allowed in Ireland, the despot and the slave. Everyone else is welcome to come in peace and enjoy our country. Golf, with some of the finest courses in Europe and the lowest green fees. Also you won't have to change your money as we are a full member of Euroland. Unlike Scotland we do not charge a passenger departure tax at our airports and feel free to talk to our Police (Garda) about any aspect of airport security you may be uncomfortable with. Email me back for some very special B&B offer too! Yours sincerely,Cx Murray


Hx from Hx -Dx-

Hallo hp, habe gestern auch eine Kalorienbombe gekauft, die ich mit nach Schottland nehmen möchte! Kann ich damit nach Edinburg fliegen, oder werde ich dort auch verhaftet, wenn ich sage, dass ich eine Kalorienbombe dabei habe? Ich maile Dir, weil Edinburg Airport ja Briefe und Mails nicht beantwortet! Kann ich dort noch etwas für dich erledigen, z.B. Fotos von LT, xxx, etc. ?


von hp: Hallo Hx, vielen Dank für ein Photo über den genauen Kalorien-Bombenaufbau. Ich befürchte, dass die Sicherheitsbeamten am Edi Airport grosse Schwierigkeiten machen werden, die Bombe öffenen werden und die Innereien verspeisen werden, alleine schon um zu prüfen,ob sie wirklich nur gesundheitsschädlich ist. Schliesslich will man ja nur Dein Bestes und das kann in Schottland nur die Polizei oder das Sicherheitspersonal beurteilen, viel besser als Du selbst, dies wurde mir genau so einmal telfonisch mitgeteilt!!! [Zudem trägst Du ja auch keine Uniform!]


Ex from Ax -Dx-

Schottland ist wirklich ein Polizeistaat! Habe mit eigenen Augen gesehen, dass nach Central Search also dort wo hunderte [ tausende ] Passagiere auf ihr Flugzeug warten, Bewaffnete mit Maschinenpistolen im Anschlag patroulieren. Da schwillt einem glatt der Kamm! Was wollen die Idioten dort überhaupt mit Maschienenpistolen, etwa in die gesamte Menge feuern, nur um eventuell eine einzelne Person zu treffen, dies nach CS, also der Durchsuchung jeder Person und auch des letzten Gepäckstückes?

Man hat meiner Meinung nach mehr Chance von einem dieser schwerst Bewaffneten getötet zu werden, als von irgendeinem Verdächtigen. Man vertraut wohl auch selbst den vorabgegangenen Kontrollen nicht, sonst würde man nicht dieses Theater aufführen. hp Du hast also absolut Recht mit dem was Du gesagt hast.


Fx from Bx -Sx-

Congratulation BAA and Edi Police, you are doing a great job, despite all the criticism. They way you treat people makes sure that there will never be a shortage of people fighting you and the system you represent, a Police and SS [Secret Service] "democracy"!


Hatte viele Anfragen bezüglich des Ausganges [ Urteils] des Prozesses am 14.12.2006 in Edinburg und der Reaktionen auf meine Beschwerden über das Gericht in Edinburg.

Erst auf eine weitere Nachfrage wurde mir mitgeteilt, dass das Verfahren noch offen ist, ich also von britischen Behörden gesucht werde und bei erster bester Gelegenheit verhaftet werde, um dann auch noch wegen Nichterscheinens vor Gericht verurteilt werde. Dabei hat man mir bis heute eine menschenwürdige Behandlung und die Einnahme meiner dringend benötigten Medikamnente für den Fall dass ich zum Gerichtstermin käme, verweigert, nach dem Motto, nur ein toter Deutscher ist ein guter Deutscher!

Siehe dazu auch den Brief unterhalb dieser Box.

What the Scotsman wrote about this incident. here, please!

Severe lack of security on German airports!

as you could see on German ARD TV **Report Mainz** on 06.11.2006!


but no arrests for whistle blowers yet, as commonplace in Scotland!!!

Please also read what hp wrote in the apropriate forum under the pen name **robinright** .

Sorry, all in German only.

Please also have a look into the German ZDF Tv programm **Frontal 21** broadcasted on 14.11.2006!

Bombs from Duty-Free!,1872,4070184,00.html

Please also read what hp wrote in the apropriate forum under the pen name **robinright** .

Sorry, all in German only.,1872,4071064,00/

robinright article no. 1:,1872,4071064,00/msg1012499.php

robinright article no. 2:,1872,4071064,00/msg1013988.php

Some mailer already asked themselves: When will the officious procurator L. Thomson also demand the extradition of the above German TV teams?

Please see below what hp wrote to Edinburgh Sheriff Court.

Both letters have never been answered, although they definitely were deliverd to the Sheriff Court, as we could see from the returned signed delivery receipts!

When will they make an application to have hp extradited, to finally finish him off?!?

Please also read, what hp wrote to Edinburgh Sheriff Court on 20.11.2006.

hp:wise words/copyright-hp

Character is something one cannot: Buy - Steal - Study - X-ray - or even Clone !

Charakter ist etwas, was man nicht: Kaufen-Stehlen-Studieren-R�ntgen-oder Klonen kann !

You still have questions or a similar experience, please mail me! Subject: edi-jail please.

Moonen H.P. - Am Birnbaum 36 - 52525 Heinsberg - Germany

Before some nice security person or the police accuses me of stealing as well. The above train headboard -Royal Scotsman - was bought by me from Newton Replicas in February 2006!!! Perhaps you had better investigate where the head board of the loco above has disappeared to!

If you look carefully, you will also see the difference between both head boards.

Wether .......?

You are interested in Scottish railways, please here.

To whom it concerns!?! Song by ... here.

hp's very special good bye to the good times in Scotland.

Many thanks to the many railway employees and enthusiats who provided me with lots of interesting information about trains, specials and their running times over the years! You can listen to my very last recordings of some Class 37 locos [double header] while on a special from Edinburgh to Oban - Northern Belle-on 03.09.2006.

Please here!