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Download version 1.0 (no quantity field):

Access 2000

Database version 1.1 below (includes a quantity field; the 2000 version also has a summary report):

Access 2000

Access 97

Instructions for the 2000 version:
ReadMe.txt file


Instructions for either 97 version:



Have you ever found yourself in the position of buying a kit you already had?  Got too many kits to keep track of?   

Well, no matter what your significant other says, getting rid of your collection is not the way to go. :)  No, what you need is a database!  

I have set up two versions of an Access database for members of IPMS and HPMS (the Huntsville Plastic Modelers, of which my husband is a member).  They are FREE for your use, but you must have Microsoft Access 2000 or '97 installed on your computer to use them. (Access is also found in Microsoft Office 97 or Office 2000.)  

See "News" page for updates, problems, and other information.

Step 1: Download the appropriate database from the links to the left, depending on the version of Access you have on your computer.

Step 2: This is the tough part - Inventory your collection.  I have created a form (7K, zipped) in MS Word 2000 format which has all of the required fields.  (HTML version here.)

Step 3:  Open the database (either "MyModels.mdb" or "MyModels97.mdb") by double-clicking on it. A menu will pop up first, from which you can either enter kit information into your database or select a report. 

Please view all three screenshots for more information on how the
2000 version database works and what reports are available:
1 -Main Menu,  2 -Data Entry,  3 -Report Sample
Note that the 97 version is very similar but has no 'main menu'; see documentation (available at left of screen) for pointers.

© Copyright Liana Thompson 2000

I will work on creating a database that does not require Access, time permitting.  If you know of such a program, and it is freeware or shareware, please email me and I will add a link to it from this page.  Thank you!

graphics courtesy of: Cove Designs