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Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!
Welcome! If you are new to the guild, you will wanted to get sorted at the Sorting Ceremony as soon as possible. Be sure to read the Guild FAQ to answer any questions about the guild and explain how everything works. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions neomail Amorai.
&8226 [Guild Anniversary!] The guild One Year Anniversary is almost here!! We've been going for exactly one year! Click here tomorrow to enter the page! &8226 [New!] The guild Meetings are now here! All staff members (HOH's, Prefects, Head Boy and Girl, and Teachers) will attend! Meet the Staff is almost here! Also, the Guild Banner section may only up if someone would like to be the guild "bannermaker". Neomail Amorai if you are interested! • [News] A few new things have been added as well. "Meet the Staff" will soon feature all of the staff members plus contests if any positions ever open up. The "Guild Banner" section will be opening up soon too! Also, if you're in the mood to win some prizes, the Contest page has been updated. • [Guild Till] Right now, we are currently collecting money here just for the time being so you can all win some better prizes! • [Members] Thanks to everyone who has been spreading the word about the guild! Continue telling others through Neopet's message boards, guild invites, chatrooms, and neomails. Also, be sure to keep active by participating in many guild activities and talking through the guild message boards. Don't have Parent Permission? You can always chat through the Great Hall boards as well. • [Attention Quidditch Members!] Sign up for your houses quidditch team! We need full teams in every house before we can start quidditch matches! |