
(Currently held here)

Only Staff Members are allowed to attend meetings. Staff Members include:

No one else!!

Meetings are held once a week...the current day is undecided and will be discussed at the next meeting.

If you cannot attend a meeting: You do not need to neomail Amorai or need to worry about anything until you have missed more than 3 meetings without reason. If you have no reason except that you just forgot or didn't feel like coming and it is your 3rd time, you could possibly get kicked off the staff. If you do miss 3 times, and you do have a good reason, neomail Amorai on your 3rd time and you won't have to worry about it.
Also, since Neopets is a simple site for kids and not an adult business meeting, it is not that big of a deal if you can't come to a meeting; the only reason the rules are so strict is to make sure that you don't just forget about it and decide you don't want to come because you don't feel like it.

If Amorai cannot hold a meeting: Well that will be discussed at the upcoming meeting. Most likely, a person who is selected 2nd in charge will run the meeting. Or if too many people cannot come to a meeting, it may just be cancelled.

Time and Day: Will be discussed at upcoming meeting

Below is a table that is updated whenever needed by Amorai as to what we will be discussing at the upcoming meetings.
-Where meetings can be held
-Who is second in charge
-Time and day
-Staff Training

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