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Origins Ministry
Of Magic
- Alastor - Greek God who sought
revenge on people.
- Albus - In Latin means white
(maybe for white beard). Wisdom. Or.. Governor of Britain at the
death of the emperor Pertinax, Decimus Clodius Albinus (Albinus=Albus?)
attempted to seize the throne but ended up as Caesar in alliance
with another imperial contender, Septimius Severus. After Severus
defeated two other rivals (Voldemort and... Sirius?), the now
expendable Albinus was forced into another attempt at usurpation, an
attempt that came to an end at the bloody battle of Lyon.
- Arabella - Ara means alter and
bella means wars in Latin (war alterer?)
- Aragog - "Arachnid"
means spider. Gig is a giant. Put them together you get large spider
("ara"-arachnid, "gig"-large) and if Ara is used
as Arachnid and gig it's aragig. But maybe it was changed to Aragog.
- Argus - In Greek mythology,
Argus was a monster that had a hundred eyes and was
- Arthur - Could represent King
Arthur. The legend presents Arthur as a leader in ancient times who
defeats the Saxons and other enemies. He thereby unites the people
of Britain in peace and harmony.
- Bagman - "Bagman" is
a person who "bags" money (constantly losing bets and not
paying them back).
- Beauxbatons - French for
'beautiful wands'.
- Dementor - Dementio means to
go mad in Latin (demented).
- Draco - Draco is a
constellation that looks like a dragon but is a snake. In Latin,
Draco means Dragon. In Latin Draco means Dragon. Dracula's root is
- Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
- Never tickle A sleeping dragon, and I mean it!. Latin in case
you're wondering.
- Dumbledore - Means
"Bumblebee" in latin.
- Durmstrang - German phrase
meaning storm and stress.
- Dursley - A town near J.K.
Rowlings's birthplace.
- Ernie - Named after one of J.k.
Rowlings grandparents.
- Figg - Figulus means
"potter" and figo means "to attach," maybe that
means she's Harry's secret keeper.
- Filch - To steal.
- Firenze - Italian name for the
city of Florence.
- Flitwick - A town in England.
- Fleur Delacour - Fleur means
flower in french. "De" means "of" (I believe
anyway, I'm not good with French). La meand the and Cour means
Court. Put together it's Flower of the Court?
- Fluffy - Was a real beast in
an ancient greek myth. "Cerebrus" the three-headed dog was
the guarder of the underworld.
- Gilderoy - A highwayman known
for being handsome.
- Hedwig - A saint that lived in
Germany in the 13th and 14th centuries.
- Hagrid - Name and tale comes
from greek myth. The ancient Hagrid from the myth was the god of
Jewels. This god was said to be the kindest of the gods, but Hades
framed him for the death of Piraeus's - the killer of Medusa - son.
Hagrid was banished from Olympus but Zues allowed him to stay as the
watcher of the animals. Hagrid also means hung-over in (Hagrids
usually hung over).
- Hermes - The Greek Messenger.
Kinda like the owl messenger.
- Hermione - Bit weird, but
broken down it looks like this Her mi one, which could mean her and
me (mi) are one.
- Lockhart - Town in Australia
near Wagga Wagga (reference: "Compose a poem about my defeat of
the Wagga Wagga Werewolf"?).
- Lucious - Maybe means Lucifer
(the devil).
- Ludo - "Ludo" or
"Ludere" means to play in Latin.
- Lupin - Lunar means moon.
Lupin means Wolf-like. Canis Lupus is the scientific name for wolf.
- Malfoy - "Mal foi"
means "bad faith" in French. Malfoy has "mal" in
it, meaning evil.
- McGonagall - Means "bad
poet" in latin.
- Minerva - In Roman Mythology
was the Goddess of Wisdom. In Greek Mythology she was the Goddess of
War. She gave strict punishments.
- Mirror of Erised - The
inscription on the Mirror reads, backwards: "I show not your face
but your hearts desire".
- Moody - Not in a good mood.
- Nagini - 'Naga' is snake in
- Nicholas Flamel - Was a real
alchemist, and supposedly DID create the Philosopher's Stone (not
"Sorceror's"). The tale was that he had spent decades of
his life trying to create the Philosopher's Stone, which could turn
any metal in to gold and unlock the secrets to immortality, but
could not figure it out.
One night, Nicholas Flamel had a dream in
which an angel came to his bed, held out a book and said, these
words, which were to remain in the memory of the hearer: "Look
well at this book, Nicholas. At first you will understand nothing in
it -- neither you nor any other man. But one day you will see in it
that which no other man will be able to see." Surely that would
contain the secrets to making the Philosopher's Stone!
A short while later while he was alone in
his shop a man in desparate need of money appeared with a book to
sell. He recognized it as the book that the angel in his dream had
been holding and paid for it immediately, without bargaining.
The problem was that the book was written in part-hebrew and he
couldn't read it. All of the jews in France had recently been driven
out of his country by persecution. He knew that there were still
many jews left in Spain, so he copied a small-portion of the book
and headed out on his journey to find a translator. He searched for
months and couldn't find one, and so started his journey home in
discouragement. During the quest homeward, he stopped at an inn and
was fortunate enough to be joined at his table by a French merchant
who had contacts with someone who might be able to translate the
book. The French merchant introduced Flamel to his friend, the
Maestro Canches. When Nicholas told him that he had with him the
book of Abraham the Jew the Maestro's eye's lit up and he explained
that Abraham the Jew was a venerable master who was a great master
and spent his whole life studying the mysteries of the Cabala. His
book had disappeared, surfacing in some remote corner of the globe
for moments and then disappearing again. Unfortunately, the pages
that Nicholas had brought with him was not enough to unlock the
secrets of the stone. The Maestro agreed to go back to Nicholas's
home and translate the entire book.
Ironically, on the journey home the Maestro
fell ill and passed away. Nicholas piously buried him at a nearby
church and continued on.
When he arrived home he found his wife, his shop and his books as he
had left them. Though it took him years, the pages that the Maestro
had translated had given Nicholas enough clues to translate the book
Adherring strictly to the rules within the book of Abraham the Jew,
he first turned a half pound of mercury in to gold. As he was
changing the metals, he changed himself.
From this point on he was rich. He built hospitals, low-income
housing for the poor, churches and lived out the rest of his days
After Nicholas had reached the age of 80,
he went about planning his death. Not the means of the death itself
but the details such as his coffin, tombstone (the one he ordered
was very heavy), burial location, etc. He wanted his death to be as
perfect as his life.
Shortly after he died, rumors that he had
created the Elixir of Life spread. Any prowlers seeking the stone
that could turn any metal in to gold soon were lurking nearby his
house and shop searching for the metal.
The heat soon died down and rumors that
Nicholas Flamel and his wife Pernelle was still alive were
forgotten. Many, many years later, an arcaeologist named Paul Lucas
talked to a Turk that told him that Nicholas and his wife Pernelle
were still alive. Paul did more research and then wrote and
published a book that said that the Flamels' burials were nothing
but clever shams, and that they were still alive. The publication of
this book aroused many curious people. The people were so curious
that they dug-up Nicholas's grave and opened the coffin. There was
nothing there.
- Nimbus - Nimbus means cloud.
Nimbus was also a god in Greek Mythology.
- Norris, Mrs. - A Character in
one of J.K. Rowling's favorie author's (Jane Austen) books.
- Parvati - Parvati is a Hindu
Goddess married to Hindu God Siva the Destroyer. She gave birth to a
baby boy named Ganesh, who Siva beheaded, but replaced the old head
with an elephant head after Parvati reamed him out.
- Patronus - Means protector (In
Latin I believe).
- Peeves - "Peeve"
means "little devil" or something that gets on your nerves
(like a pet peeve).
- Penelope - The wife of
Oddyseus and queen of Ithaca. she waited faithfully for her husbands
return even though she had many suiters.
- Remus - Brother of Romulous
(founder of Rome). They were raised by a female wolf. He was killed
by Romulous.
- Ronan - An irish saint
- Ron Wesley - Ron Wesley, in
another language, is called "Running Weasel." Running
Weasel was a warlord in the 6th Dynasty. He was a brilliant
strategist, and he never lost a game of chess (remind me of a
certain someone). Unfortunately, he died when a rat that had been
dyed yellow (Scabbers) by his soldiers for fun earlier that day
(Fred and George), knocked over a lamp in his palace, burning it to
the ground, and killing Running Weasel. Simply meaning Pettigrew
might kill Ron.
- Rubeus - Meaning Rubees. (See
- Severus - Sever means cut off
obviously. Add that to "us", it could mean Sever Us (as in
kill us). Severe also means cruel, grumpy. Also... Lucius Septimius
Severus restored stability to the Roman empire after the tumultuous
reign of the emperor Commodus and the civil wars that erupted in the
wake of Commodus' murder (if you watched "Gladiator" then
you should know this). See Albus.
- Sibyll - Sibyll comes from the
Sibyls, who were famous propheys in mythology. She was a priestess
in ancient Greece who interperted the oracles of the gods of Delphi.
As she slept Mother Earth spoke to her and she repeated the magical
words the priests. They interperated the meanings and ecplained the
- Sirius - Named after Sirius
Star, or Dog Star. Seen during summer "dog" days.
- Snape - A town in England.
- Stan - Named after one of J.K.
Rowling's grandparents.
- Tom Marvolo Riddle - If you
rearrang the letters it spells: "I am Lord Voldemort."
- Voldemort, Lord - There was a
dark wizard in mid-evil times named Voldermortist. In another
language, Voldermortist means "Lord of Evil" or "Dark
Lord". Legend has it that Voldermortist once tried to destroy
Merlin before the time of King Arthur (Mr. Weasley?), by bewitching
good people, and simply bribing those who already were evil. Legend
has it that Merlin destroyed Voldermortist by using a simple
paralyzing charm (full body bind?), fed him to the many headed beast
of the lake, the Lady of the Lake's pet (Giant Squid?), freed the
bewitched people, and destroyed the evil men. That was maybe twelve,
thirteen years before Arthur (how long it was from Voldemort's
destruction until Harry started Hogwarts). In French means "theif
of death" (meaning escaping death). Volo means "to be
willing" in Latin, and Demorior means "to die" in
Latin (meaning willing to die).
If you
have an more name origins, please, please e-mail