The Ohio State University
Human Rights Awareness Week 2002
Welcome to OSU Human Rights Awareness Week !

This is Buckeyes' first ever attempt to program a variety of activities in order to celebrate not only our diversity on campus, but also to generate awareness of global issues in our local community.

We, the
Comittee for HRA Week, are are group of students who are concerned about the sufferings of people and strive to fight against all forms of social injustices in various corners of the world.

On the week of
May 13th 2002, it will be our term to bring about awareness onto the campus.  We aim to popularize the notion of positive peace, so that students may no longer be content and bewildered by the flowery images of the world that negative peace generates.
We are all Citizens of the Globe...
HRA Week Links:
Human Rights Film Festival
Human Rights Watch
HRA Week Event Schedule
Human Rights Related Links
Human Rights Awareness Week 2003!!
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