Confucius' world was made of elegant court ceremonies, with dance and music. He believed that if a set of rules of courtesy (called "ritual" LI) were respected in society, relationships would become harmonious. But it also involved an inner awareness of the needs of others ("humanity" REN). Confucius stated the golden rule 400 years before the Bible: "What you do not wish for yourself, do not impose on others." (Analects 12:2).
And he had a sense of humor too:
"The Governor of She asked about Confucius. Zilu did not reply. The Master said: 'Why did you not say: He is the sort of man who, in his enthusiasm, forgets to eat, in his joy forgets to worry, and who ignores the approach of old age?" (7:19).



                                         by Thomas: tc266-remove-@hotmail.com (anti-spam: delete -remove- to make address operational)