Confucius and Confucianism: by Hall & Ames (Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Confucius by Jeffrey Riegel (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
NPR Confucius broadcast: with Lionel Jensen & Tu Wei-Ming.
Legge's translation
The Analects in Chinese: Big-5
The Analects with clickable Chinese characters: instant English translation.
The Confucian Classics
Mailing list:

SOFTWARE: you can read the Chinese characters on this site without making any special adjustments because they are in a picture form (gif). Most Chinese on the web is encoded in a more compressed form: either GB (simplified characters used in mainland China) or in BIG-5 (traditional characters used in Taiwan, Hong Kong and in classical Chinese texts). You can download the traditional (BIG-5) Chinese language support file from the Microsoft site.

NJSTAR WP 5: it can import Chinese texts, and show the English translation, pinyin pronunciation and radical of any character when you point the mouse at it. It includes a Chinese-English dictionary.  

Site by Thomas, sinophile: contact: 'thomas23 *at*'