Welcome to Guidelines Of Listing with Carnival


Heartland Carnival has adopted a list of Guidelines for content of pages and sites that are listed in the "Categories". We want to be sure that every site will be absolutely Family Safe for all genders and all ages.

Requirements for listing your site with Heartland Carnival

Your site must comply with the Yahoo!GeoCities Terms of Service. If you are not sure what these are, they can be found Here.

You should have no "broken links". All of your links should work. Please check all of them before applying. This will be one of the things that your pages will be checked for by our Carnies when you apply to list your site.
All of your images should load. "Broken images" detract from the over-all look of your page. Check these carefully. If you think you may have a problem, ask someone in the {{Wonderful Group}} called the "Heartland Angels" that is what they are here for.. Or you can go to the "MAIN" Heartland Headquarters& locate a Community Leader, there is a place on that page to ask one of these people for any help you might need to fix up your "Home" on the WWW.

We will list web sites that are NOT on Yahoo/GeoCites but NOT Commercial Sites OR sites that are NOT Child Safe & Family Friendly.

After you submit your site.. One of the "Carnies" will look at your site , if you meet our SIMPLE guidelines you will be sent an email telling you where to pick-up your Display graphic, and advising you what page/URL your site listing can be found on.

Thank You for your continued interest in Carnival.

*Your Name*

Your Membername - if you are a Yahoo/Geo site:

*Name of Web Site*

*URL of Website*

*Your email address*

Brief Description of Your Site.

Please choose the category that best describes your site. If it fits in more than one, please list the exact URL of the category you choose, and fill out a separate form for each URL.

Only press "Away We Go" once please!
If the form does not work please email your information to  Heartland Carnival

Yahoo!GeoCities Disclaimer: Information collected from this form will be used by Heartland Carnival Committee solely for the purposes of Listing your Web Site. You must be 13 years of age or older to be eligible to list with Heartland Carnival. This listing is sponsored solely by The Heartland Carnival Committee. GeoCities is not a sponsor of this  service. If you have any questions, please contact  Heartland Carnival

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