Costumes for Heather's school play
These are photos from our year 3/4 school Christmas musical based on the 12 days of Christmas. All the costumes and puppets were designed and made by yours truly.
These are some of the Drummers Drumming (who had to have their sticks removed half way through the show because they couldn't stop bopping their sticks together.) sigh...
These are some of the Pipers Piping. Luckily, the pipers are supposed to sound like they play badly.
A few of the Lords-a-Leaping here. Many did not make the photo as they were busy taking off their ties and using them like a lasso.
Here are some of the Ladies Dancing. The girl bottom right who looks like she is trying to seduce you is merely trying to see past her nose as she is not wearing her glasses in order to look like a pretty lady. However, she nearly danced off the stage.
Maids-A-Milking looking a bit disheveled with aprons and headscarves. Notice the 3 male maids in the front. Future pantomime dames?
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