Hello fellow Toressians
!!! We want to welcome you to our unofficial Batch '78 Website.
We want to take advantage of the WorldWideWeb to link us all together again.
We are sure that those four years in the campus is full of memories and
If you are dying to hear about your long
lost friend, chances are you might hear about them here on the batch site.
If you are lucky, they might even have an email address and gives you a
chance to keep in touch with them again.
plans to serve as the force that will bind us all together as one bunch
of friends.
How did we get here???
A bunch of VI-Math-1, inspired by the ease
and swiftness of communication through email thought of putting together
a website that will link them and update each other on what's new and exciting
on their classmates. Along the way, we welcomed our friends in the
batch as one of our own in our special Page, Friends of the IV-Math.
The page grew so fast and with many other
people involved and sharing information on our batchmates, it is inevitable
to create a website that will serve the whole batch of '78 as one big circle
of friends.
We hope to get your participation by sending
us pictures, information, mini-reunions, gatherings and events that relates
to us. We welcome comments and suggestions, too. Hop in our
"Eskwela Bus" and enjoy surfing our webpages! |
Bring Back The Good Old Days
Do you have one of those retro photos from
the campus??? We would love to feature them on the site to reminisce
the good old campus days. Please send it to the nearest Isang Bigkis pilot
team member and they will scan it and return them to you.
If your picture is chosen, you will
be rewarded with one million... thanks + a chance to give the world access
to your "guy in the flare pants" pic.

See you in 2003 !!!
Bang the gong ! Ring the bells! Beat the drums!
We will try every possible ways to announce the BIG Plan.....
The Grand Silver Anniversary
for the Batch of '78
An ad hoc committee is being planned
and assembled in the Philippines as we speak.
Save your bucks! Plan your homecoming trip!
Don't forget to pass on the news.
See ya all in the year 2003 !!!
Hollywood Stars
Here is a proof that the Batch of 78 is everywhere.
Parado and Romeo Austria coincidentally bumped
into each other in Universal Studios. Lex was on line buying the
tickets for his mom, sister & family, when he recognized Romeo Austria
with his two nephews. Lex introduced the whole family to Romeo and Tess
thought it would be nice to take some shots of Lex and his old friend.
Romeo lives in Winnipeg, Canada with his family, but was in California
because his father was ill. Lex really wanted to take Romeo out to
lunch or dinner and catch things up with him but a very busy schedule didn't
permit them to do so. |
Reunited in Anaheim
Riz, Dana, Beng, Inia, Tess & Lex during
their one week get-together.
Click below for Pictures & Stories

Whose child is this ???
Can guess who the parents of this child is?

Info Page -Life
After Torres High
Who married who? Who's got the most
kids. Who is still available? Curious about what happened to
your best friends after high school?
We will give you the most recent information
on our batchmates. Thanks to our "Batch Track Team" who is
continually searching and using all means to track down everyone.
Guys Gals
Click on the icons to access the Info Page

Vic, Inia, Val (with wife, Chona)
& Chris in their reunion at the Grand Central in Manhattan.
Visit the AfterMath'78 April Edition
for more.
Teacher of the Month
Sir Rudy Gutierrez
a boyscout, always a boyscout." Sir
Rudy is one of THS teachers who has the most influence and impact on the
students. Ask any boyscout in the batch and they will confirm that
what he learned from Sir Rudy will always be in his heart and will always
make a difference in his life.
would like to congratulate Sir Rudy who will be receiving the Golden
Tamaraw from the Boy Scouts of the Philippines this month.
It is the highest award for boyscouts in the country and Sir Rudy is the
first and the only awardee of this highest honor. We are very proud
of you Sir Rudy!
At 75, after recovering
from three hospitalizations, he is not showing any sign of stopping.
Retirement did not keep him away from being a scoutmaster in different
school. For him, the real way to happiness is by giving happiness
to others.
Sir Rudy, you are a legend
in your own time and rest asure that your legacy will live on because
of what you implanted in our hearts and souls. From all your sons
in batch '78, we salute you!!! Congratulations
!!! |
msn web
Want to get the latest, add pictures in the
photo album, post your announcements, reminders, news & greetings in
the bulettin board, or chat in a private
conference room exclusive for the Batch of 1978?
Batch '78 Community Site was setup with the help of Reuel
Cruz. An invitation and an email on how to go there will be
sent to you soon if you have'nt receive them yet. You will need either
a Hotmail account or the MSN Passport to get there. To get a free
Hotmail account or sign up for MSN Passport go to this address:
Watch out for the invitation and see you
in the chat room of our community site soon !!!
Identity Crisis
Our batch website's
name is a temporary one until we elect a new and final name. If the
majority agrees with "KaEskwela, atbp"...then
we will keep this as the official name. Some of the other suggetions are:
1. THS Circa '78
2. Kamag-aral, atbp.
3. Saga of THS '78 . . .the continuing
4. The Spirit of '78 (THS' Golden Era)
5. Balik-Tanaw . . . Lahing '78
6. Kumustahan .. . Hello Batch '78
7. Kitakits, Batch '78
8. Hirit Again, Batch '78
9. Sapangbagsak '78
10.The Oval Generation, THS Batch '78
11. Batch '78, Isang Hirit Pa!
12. Isang Bigkis or Sambigkis
send your best choice to vbuzon@kpmg.ca
and the winning name will be used in the next issue. |
KaEskwela - May Issue
Last Update: May 1, 2000
Brought to you by Buzzy-V
Click on the names to send an email
Erick Santos