Your lucky number: 50

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GEMINI, the Twins, ruled by the planet Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods.  Lightly tan, hair of gold, and wings on his hat, Mercury quickly delivers messages from the Gods.  Born May through June 21, Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac. An air sign or a communicative, social, mental personality.

Characterized by their beautiful, sparkling white teeth and wispy fine hair, Geminians are charming, funny, persuasive, witty, extremely energetic, and pursue both academic and physical activities.  they speak eloquently, their diction spiced with an updated vocabulary; they seem to know something about everything, love to talk, and adore stimulating discussions.

Geminians can accidentally or intentionally hurt another person's feelings by saying the wrong thing.  They are ambidextrous, funny, intelligent, enjoy social gatherings and are usually considered the "life of the party."

Our Geminian neighbors love to travel, appear to have a split personality, are non-committal, seem to be short on patience, and can suffer from nervousness and restlessness.

A Geminian's physical body profits from apples, chives, carrots, cauliflower, garlic, lettuce, parsley, and the herbs Blue Flag, Chive, and Ginger.  The body areas our Geminian neighbors may have difficulty with include the hands, arms, and lungs.  They move quickly, so a vigorous game of tennis or racquetball is greatly appreciated.

Our Geminian neighbors' pleasing attributes are exciting and fun-loving, and they excel in the occupations of teachers, communications analysts, and advertisers.

A Geminian gardener would love to receive a cart or wagon, a sprinkler head, and these veggie seeds:  chives, carrots, cauliflower, garlic, lettuce, parsley, and peas.

Here are a few more items to add to a Geminian gardener's cartor wagon: Baby's Breath, Sweet Pea flowers, and Hazel trees.
