Articles from Around the World

This a place where I share things I have found,
 ( with their authors Kind permission :)
 Of profound thought and insight

This space will change with new things of inspiration, as I find them
Today's Topic... Forgiveness

Forgiveness ... a powerful tool for Growth...?
Or a Weapon against the Walkers of the Way ?

Recent events with another forced me to look 
at the whole concept of forgiveness yet again .....
as I was expected to do just that... forgive actions taken....
for the sake of the peace of all....which I did...but not
in the sense some others involved seemed to want..... :)
Here's what I did instead

First off ....To forgive .... one must first condemn......
I condemn no man or woman.....for being human and having faults.....
but ( there's always a " but" after such a sentence isn't there ? ... :)
I do hold them accountable for their ill actions....
.and expect them to learn and grow from those mistakes.....
and make amends if they must we all...
its  one of those givens we all know... or should...

Forgiveness...... Forgiveness and understanding 
we are asked so very often to give..... and it's the right thing to do......
but is it always the right thing ?

As Walkers of the Way all too often this very concept and how its perceived by most is used against us.... and becomes a detriment to our fellow travelers on this planet and  ourselves.... as it can enable our fellows..... to behave in whatever manner they please..... even to do hurt..... yet we.... 
the Walkers of Light are expected
to always matter what

But what of the ones for whom there is no intent to do better...?
Who sees the fact we an easy out for any mistake or ill intent ?

This is where our forgiveness..... becomes a weapon against us...
as it means the fellow traveler can behave in poor judgment 
that they don't seek to improve..... or hurtfully....or out and out wrongfully 
while we are to be big enough to forgive them
for it....while they can go off and do whatever detriment they will  again ...
knowing that.... we will forgive them for whatever they do,
because we are a  " Good " person... :)

In such events  our forgiveness is no gift.... we harm our fellow with it in fact
as we , in effect , tell them... its a detriment to yourself and others....we will  forgive you... which absolves the other party of any responsibility for their actions , as most perceive that it no longer matters what they we will forgive them

In such cases I  still " forgive " them..... for being human.. but I do NOT excuse them....which is.... unfortunately,  what most people think your are doing.....when you say the words..... I forgive you.....

Forgive their faults..? Certainly as none of us is perfect.... :) 
But excuse behavior ?


We are all held accountable for our actions for good or matter if it's just because we had a bad hair day or just plain stupid choices....the fly trapped in the spiders web has committed no crime but fly in a given space.... but it pays for its choice....right or wrong has little to do with the case of the fly it has no chance to make it right on the next flight.....

We Do

Each moment we live.... we make choices.... not all of them good....
but for each act we take....we must accept responsibility for them.....
and if being forgiven when we choose wrong .... means we get to skip that part....then our fellows do us no favors to " forgive " we do not grow....
but stagnate in our growth....after all...... we have no need to improve the self
we will be forgiven... :)

Now there are those who will say.. this is  hurtful to the person making the demand..... that to hold another to account we must be feeling..... hate or anger.....or playing a mind game of superiority.... that we sully our own soul 
with our discontent and our demand for accountability

Anger, hate, games......all are a waste most certainly....... but accountability?
We all have a right to expect it....and a responsibly to ourselves
and the world at large to require it of ourselves and others

We live on this planet ,in each others hip pocket, most of the time and therefore must deal with one another... Yet we are told that we must show tolerance and forgive...... to have tolerance for each other is the highest ideal of all.....but again,  one often used against us...because to many ... that means that "forgive and forget and move on " bit again.....And if we fail to do this...
we must be an Intolerant person or we would.." forgive " them

Forgiveness is not Tolerance
Tolerance is when we accept the others right to believe differently than we .. to live as they want..... except where it infringes on the rights of another... 
Abe Lincon is quoted as saying 
" Your right to swing your arm........ends at your neighbors nose "

It does not require hate or anger.. to hold a person to account for their actions as is often believed... " you haven't forgiven me" ( meaning you still expect me to do something about this..) ..."therefore you are mad at me"... 
this is the rant of a child

This is yet another aspect of the whole forgiveness thing  ...that is widely misunderstood ...that you have to be mad at someone to want and or expect accountability from them...... One word on that....... balderdash !
( Im trying to be polite this week..... heheheheheheh...)

Karma alone will  dish out whatever one has coming ... as they have created it
by their own hand ... so why seek to punish ?  
This is not about punishment

So what's my point ?  The point is we are expected to " forgive, forget and move on " which we do.. but what if they do it again.. and again and again ?
Each time we are to forgive..? We do.. :)
But accounting for such actions taken must be made.. .especially for
a repeated Ill action which ...if we are doing our job....they know is outa line

It does not sully ones soul to know that your fellow man is fallible and capable of all manner of foolishness's facing reality with open eyes to aid our fellows in growth....which is what we are supposed to do......without hate or each other......even if that means to shun them for their actions to get the point across because to do less...could be dishonest in the very least...
and a lie at worst

I don't need to hate someone to choose to have nothing further to do with them till they get their act together..... if I can not help them any other way....

I understand them and I forgive them....
but It don't mean Im gonna sit down to dinner with them
and pretend everything's just fine and dandy !  How do I help them grow
if I do ? Not to mention such would play merry hell with my digestion :)

Having understanding does not equal  an excuse for the behavior either..
so often the cry is heard... " you just don't understand me.." when what they really mean is..." your not letting me do what I want "... :)

It does not help.. if to "forgive " means the other party or yourself..
does not grow and  mature...and we are expected to make this clear to others,
as they should for us....This is often mistaken for being judgemental....its not... its pointing out basic......known facts...... but instead 
it is often suggested to and by other Light workers to......
" Leave it  to the Gods to take care of the wrong they do "

Can you say .... Major Cop Out ?

We are our brothers keeper in that we are part of the Price of Karma.....and expected to aid they are expected to aid us,  when we fail to act in good wait and leave it all to the Gods, is to be cowardly which is not a way for a Walker of the  also has the effect of subjecting them and all with whom they come in contact to their brand of misery for their whole lifetime...if they are especially dense and never get it...... which sounds like a drag for all seasons at best.. a disaster in the making at worst....better to let them know now that their actions are not in their own, or others best interests 
and have a Price to be paid for them  in This lifetime !

This is not hate.. or anger.....or coldness towards  our fellows.... this is love in its best form.. when you care enough to say...there is accounting to be done and  make it will happen weather we point it out or not.... but it might be a lot easier on them or us as the case may be :) ... if someone holds us to account the first time.....instead of letting natural events that rise from our actions do it which can be a lot more harsh about it than any one person might be to them Karma is Karma.. and has no pity and hurts a lot more
than just the One who started it all ... when that act rebounds back

And my last point that to allow ourselves to be USED so by others ...
because we will forgive...and forget... makes us a target for abuses of all sorts
by anyone who cares to dish it out !

For our sake... and our fellow travelers.... we must hold each other accountable..or none of us grow...towards  the light 
and the eventual unity of soul

Not to mention the Great Mother
didn't put us here to be a punching bag for anyone
who wants to take pot shots at us ! :)

Personal responsibility is the name of the game...

We choose how to act..
We take the effects each act creates....
It's time, we.... the Walkers of the Way... with Love ...
remind the ones who hide behind "forgiveness "
That each act brings its own Price

Blessings Be

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