Hunter Johnston
Memphis, Tennessee
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I live in and am slowly restoring a century-plus home
that my great grandfather began in 1897.
I enjoy researching local history, gardening, and genealogy.
I conduct historical tours of Memphis
Johnston Hall in Spring with azalias in bloom
Fall, when the maple leaves are golden
The East side in snow beneath the sycamore tree
This is me some years ago with my late dog Sacha when she was a puppy. I still have Danny, another dalmatian, and two cats; Cassie & Czar.
This is me dressed in 1850's costume and volunteering as a docent at a Memphis historical house.
Here I am with a beard and way back before my hair turned gray.
My personal emblem; a Mockingbird, rampant!
I am a Gay man that is "out" to family and friends. I have been fortunate to have a very supportive family; not only because I am Gay and they accept me completely, but also because I recently had cancer and they saw me through the tough times of the treatment. Glad to report the cancer is gone and I am on the road to recovery.
Here I am in a Mardis Gras costume
Here I am as a judge for the Gay Pride Parade in Memphis in 1998. I had cancer then but did not yet know it. (I look awful)
This was me  about to board the Memphis Queen (a riverboat) during the Gay Pride Festival in 1980's
This is me being "butch" and helping put up a chain link fence.
Alas, no recent pictures of me at this time. I lost 40 pounds during my treatments and although I have gained some back; I need to look a little better before I pose for the camera.
Check back, I will be posting a recent photo once I improve a little more.
My favorite flower is the Iris and here are some in my garden at Johnston Hall
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White = Gay Teen Suicide
Blue = Colon & rectal Cancer
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"The Quote Corner"
A friend is someone who knows all about you; and likes you anyway.
Orson Wells
Love, like Lent, only comes to those of us who still believe.
Rod McKuen