Welcome to Hunter-Jumper Land!
welcome to Hunter-Jumper Land.  Here I hope you will find valuable and helpful information to help you learn more about this unique and complicated style of horseback riding.

Check out my Links page for links to more comprehensive sites, Hunter-Jumper associations, etc.   Look around and have fun!

The Webmistres


Practical and helpful tips to improve your and your horse's performance.
Contact the Webmistress
©Copyright 2004  Hunter-Jumper Land and Lindsey Colburn.  Please do not take photos or text without proper authorization.

* New April 2004 *
Got pics?  Hunter-Jumper Land is currently looking for high quality horse show photos from the hunter, jumper, and equitation rings.  Send your pictures to
HJLand@equinesite.com and include what division you show in. 
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Hunter-Jumper Land