The Truth

It Will Set You Free...


September 1st, 2004

Zell Miller on John Kerry

My job tonight is an easy one: to present to you one of this nation's authentic heroes, one of this party's best-known and greatest leaders � and a good friend.
John has worked to strengthen our military, reform public education, boost the economy and protect the environment.



April 18th, 2003

The Progressive Tax Code?

April 17th

Howard Dean on George Bush: It's Not Just His Doctrine That's Wrong

November 20th, 2002

Senator Robert Byrd on Homeland Security

"An irresponsible exercise in political chicanery"

November 12, 2002

The Soul of the Party

Al Gore, September 23, 2002

Transcript: Iraq and the War on Terrorism

Lost Votes and a Stolen Election
This is a must read piece! Read it and
send it to everyone you know.

A few informative and hopefully useful links concerning the theft of the Presidential election is what you will find here. For now at least you won't find much else but I will be working on it in the near future.

The site is text based for the most part with very few graphics and some of the web archive* files are in *.MHT format which is native to MS Internet Explorer 5.0 and later.

First things first.

Remember the "lie" that we all head that Al Gore told about the girl with no desk in Florida? Well, it wasn't really a lie. Read the story in a web archive* file here:

Girl stands with no desk  (see note below)**

Gore Claim of Overcrowding Holds Up (see note below)**


How about that United States Supreme Court Decision that handed the Presidency to the Shrub? Read a humorous yet very insightful piece by attorney Mark Levine and see what you think:

A Q&A with Attorney Mark Levine

If you'd like to have this to send around, I have a zip file available in 100% plain text. Only about 4k in size.

Get the text zip file here: Levine USSC Q&A 
Get the fully formatted HTML version in zip format here: Levine USSC Q&A HTML

If you'd like to see a liitle more of what the Levine Q&A is referring to, you can read the entire ruling of the Supreme Court in Adobe Acrobat PDF format here: USSC Ruling in Bush V. Gore

Want some more on Bush v. Gore? Try Vincent Bugliosi's "None Dare Call it Treason" for an eye opener.  Don't remember just who Bugliosi is? Well, we can fix that! Just go here!

Want to have a little fun at Doctor Laura's expense with "President Josiah Bartlett" of NBC-TV's "The West Wing". Just click here.


How about a few bumper stickers that you can print out? There are two version of each with the first version being a 3 inch by 9 inch format and the second at 3 by 11.5. File sizes are less than 20k. Click on the thumbnails to get the full size graphic and then save it to your hard disk for printing.


                     First up: Gore got more!

3x9          goremore3x9.gif (10702 bytes)

3x11.5     goregotmore.gif (18546 bytes)


                       Bush 5, Democracy 4

3x9         543x9.gif (9834 bytes)

3x11.5    5to4.gif (16768 bytes)


Have a good related file or link that you'd like to see others be able to find or preserve? How about sending me an e-mail and let me know about it.


** Web archive files are in the *.MHT format and should display fine on Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and up.
If you use another browser you will still get the file but will likely be staring at a bunch of HTML code instead
of seeing the original format.

The Hush Report is the part time project of a Proud Paul Wellstone Liberal.

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home of the Rural Electric Members Action Committee.