Son of the Morning
Do you believe in Angels ?  What about guardian angels ?  How many Angels can you name ?

Which Angel was called, "The son of the morning ?"
Was it Gabriel ?  What about Michael ?  Neither. 
It was Lucifer or better known as Satan.

There is a lot of mystery that surrounds the Devil.  That's what I want to do with this sermon.  I want to expose the Devil.  I want to tell you where he came from and where he is going ?

Then you get to make a decision in whom you want to follow.  You might say, "I'm not following the Devil."  If you are not following Jesus Christ you are following the Devil.  Plain and simple!

Let's start from the beginning. Where did Satan come from ?  According to the Bible.  God created all things.  Did God create the Devil ?  No.  God created an Angel called Lucifer.  God created a very beautiful and powerful Angel of Light.  But Lucifer was not happy with God.  He rebelled against God. 

The Bible says in Isaiah 14:12 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer! son of the morning! how art thou cut down from the ground which did weaken the nations."

I heard a preacher say, "If Satan walked in this room right now everyone would be in awe of his beauty and light."  That's why it is so easy for him to work into people's lives.  People are looking for a darksome figure with horns and a pitchfork. That description is nothing like the Prince of the Powers of the Air.  Yes, that's right a Prince.  (see Eph.2:2)

Ask someone what is the opposite of Jesus or God ?
You will be amazed with their answer.  First, God has no opposite.  God is God !  Don't give the Devil more power than he has.  He has only the power that God has allowed him to have. Our God, "How Great Thou Art."

Christians have a promise of power over Satan that a lost person doesn't have.  The Bible says, "Greater is He
(Spirit of God) that is in you than he (the devil) that is in the world."  The Bible also tells us to,
"Resist the devil and he will flee."  What power a Christian has!  Praise the Lord !

Why did Lucifer fall from heaven ?  Because of Pr
ide.  The Bible says in Isaiah 14:13-14. "For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.  Notice how "I" is the middle letter in Pride.

God hates a proud look. (Proverbs 6:16-19) If we let pride come into our life. We have something in common with Satan.  Pride will seperate us from God.

In Isaiah 14:15  Satan's future is predicted. "Yet, thou shalt be brought down to hell..."  That right.
Satan is going to hell.  The question is...Who will you serve ?  The Son of God or the Son of the morning.  You get to choose.  As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord ! 
(Joshua 24:15) "How Great Thou Art"