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Creationism - Science or Mythology?

This website contains responses to various Internet creationists in a more permanant form than would be possible on the discussion boards from which they or the topics originated.


I often refer to "creationists," "Christian creationists", etc. in these exchanges, and often in a disparaging way. However, when I do so, I am referring specifically to the individuals I am engaging, and those that engage in the same type of mischief that they do. Please do NOT interpret anything I say/write as my personal feelings about Christians or creationists in general. Indeed, it is my opinion - and this opinion is shared by many of the Christians I know, including many creationists - that the antics of the "professional" and/or vocal Internet-creationist are an embarrassment to the greater Christian community.

When possible or applicable, links to the original posts are provided.
This site will continue to grow and be updated as time allows. Please post any comments to me at this discussion board.

The following articles/discussions, etc. are informal and are by no means meant to represent any sort of professional activity. The pages are still in rough-draft form, and may contain typos, dead links, odd phrases, etc.


This guy just does not know when to stop...!

The Administrators at the Baptist Board engage in LIBEL against me!


Read my review review of a section of Answers in Genesis' hysterical propagandist Jon Sarfati's "Refuting Evolution". This review was twice removed from, I have little doubt, due to lobbying form Sarfati himself or his minions.

Starting here,, see Fred Williams demonstrate the dishonesty and incompetence prevalent in so many internet creationists...

My latest (and hopefully last) encounter with Fred Williams

Old stuff (including Williams' "debate")
