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:: updates ::

May 10:
- Gallery: Pictures were addded
- Music: 4 Midi were added




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This site is grand opening for the first time, first is for my final project CSC 185, and second is one of my hobby. I always wanted to creat a anime site to expand the cultural and art of Japanese Animation. For now please enjoy the site, if you want to leave a comment send it to my email.......... :-)


Gallery Page Up
I added 6 images in the Gallery Page. That's it for now more will will be up when the next update.

Music MiDi
Some Midi to check out, it's from a varius series. You can also download the Midi or go to the original site that contain lots more of this.

Info, pix, music videos, and more

Anime Search
Search for anime movies files. Family!

:: MAUS ::