World Youth Day 2002 in Toronto




      Initiated by Pope John Paul 2, World Youth Day was born following the massive participation at the Jubilee of young People in 1985. Since then, in every second year, this extraordinary procession of youth has been reenacted to provide young Catholic from all continents with a prized opportunity to learn, share, live and celebrate their faith:
   - in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1987
   - in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 19899
   - in Czestochowa, Poland, 1991
   - in Denver, USA, 1993
   - in Manila, Philippines, 1995
   - in Paris, France, 1997
   - in Rome, Italy, 2000
   - in Toronto, Canada 2002
   - The next World Youth Day, to be held iin Germany, 2005.



     Dear Friends,
   "You are the salt of the aarth;.. You are the light of the world.. Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." (Mt. 5:13-16)
   It is easy to assume we have little or no light to help others in their darkness. But, as Jesus confirms, all of us have more to offer than we realize. All of us have some light to share that can help others in some, if not all, the circumstances they find themselves caught in.
   However, the light we may be able to shed for others should not lead us to assume it is only our own light or thet we alone are its source. If we are acting out of love of God and brothers and sisters, we can be sure to assume that we are reflecting the light of Christ.
   Let this light of Christ in us shine before others at every moment in our life, especially in the coming events leading to the World Youth Day 17 in Toronto. The Vietnamese committee for World Youth Day 2002 had been working intensively within the Vietnamese commynity to prepare for this inportant event.
   Let us work together for the glory of God and for the good of others.

                                            Rev. Joseph Tap Tran

The One that we have seen with our own eyes,
The One that we have touched and felt with our own hands.
The One That we have heard with our own ears,
The one that in the depths of our hearts we have met:
He is the One who we proclaim to you...
His splendour is on all,
For he shines upon the world.
So many in our world drift into sleep,
While others only know a darkness without end.
Let brothers rise to call them from the deep!
Let sisters take their hands to heal and be their friends.
Together, Les us stand against the storm and in the heart of night be the watchers of the morn.

The light of the world
The salt of the earth,
We scatter the darkness
When love becomes our way.
The light of the world
Christ is our light.
We shine with his brightness.
The reflection of his light
From day to day!

So many feel thet they have yet to find
The meaning of their lives, their value and their worth;
If we just walked along with hearts made kind...
And listened to their tales and sought to ease their hurt;
Perhaps they'd hearken to the news we bear.
And in the broken bread,
Come to know true love and care! Refrain

No worth has salt if it should use its taste
No usefulness has light if it is hiden away!
So may our souls, our hearts, our minds be graced.
And for the Spirit's gifts and power let us pray!
May truth abide in everything we do;
And may God our world renew! Refrain



     During the Jubilee of the Redemption in 1984, Pope John Paul 2 entrusted a simple cross consisting of two crossed planks of wood to the young people of the world to carry as a sympol of their faith. This attend WYDs, the Cross travels around the world and appeals to them to deepen their faith and live it more sincerely. The graces that have accompanied the Cross are numerous and it has been received as a gift of the Lord to young people and the Church.


   " ... Beloved young people: At the end of the Holy Year, I entrust to you the very symbol of the Jubilee Year: The 'Cross of Christ! Bear it in the world as the sign of the love of the Lord Jesus for humanity and proclaim to everyone thet it is only in Christ, who died and rose from the dead, that salvation and redemption are to be found (April 22, 1984)"

    Each time we look at the Cross of Jesus we are reminded of his love for us, how he loved us to the very end. We remember that he wes rejected, condemned to death as a criminal and was crucified. Yet it was in and through his death on the cross that he gave, and continues to give us, life and a new vision of love for our world "The stone that was rejected by the builders has become the corner stone".
    The body of Jesus was laid in the tomb. He rose from the dead on that Easter morning. Many saw his risen body, carrying the marks of the nails in his hands and feet and the wound in his side sa big as a hand.
    Throught the resurrection of Jesus, the Cross of death has become a Cross of victory: victory of life over death, of forgiveness over violence. We as followers of Jesus have been given new life and are called to communicate a new svision of love for the world. we are called to die to self centredness so that we may rise up in compassion and service. Together in community, in the Church, with all followers of Jesus and people of good will, we can reveal a new hope. Together we can bring peace, serve the poor, the rejected, the crucified ones of today. In a myssterious way, we can learn from them, receive life from them, discover the presence of Jesus hidden in them. The Cross of death has been transformed into the Cross of life.




     Even though Jesus no longer needs to take up his cross and walk toward Calvary, today-in me, in the youth of our world-Jesus continues to endure his passion. The small child, the child full of hunger who eats his bresd crumb by crumb because he id afraid of running out of bread running out of hunger-that is the first station of the cross.
    In our way of the cross we see Jesus, poor and hungry, enduring his own falls. Are we there to offer him our help? Are we there with our sacrifices, with our piece of bread, or real bread?
    There are thousands of people dying for a piece of bread. There are thousands upon thousands who die for a little bit of love, for a little bit of acknowledgment. This is one station of the cross Jesus presents in those who are hungry and falling under the weight of the cross.
    Are we there to wipe away their sorrow? Are we there to share their suffering? Are we there, or are we rather like the proud man Who passes by, glances at the one in need and continues on his way?
    How many times we have picked up in the streets human beings who had been living like animals and were longing to die like angels!
    Today small beings are deprived of love even before birth. They have to die because we do not want one more child. That child has to be left naked because we do not want him.
    Jesus is crucified. How many human beings who are handicapped or mentally retarded, even in their young age, are filling the hospitals! How may ny of them ther are, even in our own homes! Do we ever visit them? Do we ever go to share with them tho hour of their crucifixion? Do we even know them?
    Jesus told us, "If you want to be my disciples, take up my cross and follow me". He meant that we should carry the cross and feed him in those who are naked; that we should host him in our home, treating him as a brother.
    You young people, full of love and strength, do not waste your energy on useless things. Look and see your brother and sister, not only her, not only in your city or your area. Everywhere are human beings who are hungry and who look to you. There are naked human beings who look hopefully to you. There are dispossessed people who look to you. Do not turn your back n the poor because the poor are Christ.


    Anges Gonxa Bojaxhiu was born into an Albanian Catholic family in Macedonia on August 26, 1910 and was baptized August 27 in Skopje. in 1928 she experienced a call to be a missionary and decided to enter tho community of the Loretto Sisters, taking the name Sister Teresa after St. Teresa of Lisieux,patron of missions.Afterher noviciate year in Dublin where she learned English, she tralvelled in agroup of sisters to Calcutta to work in small hospital, caring for sick, starving and helpless mothers. Later she was sent to Calcutta to study to become a teacher. In 1937, she made her final vows and was assigned to teach in a school for girls. while teaching she continued to be drawn to the service of the destitute and often visited the slums of Calcutta. In August 1948, she received permission to leave the Loretto commynity on the condition she keep the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. She bid farewell to her sisters and Loretto religious habit, and put on a cheap white and blue sari. After flowing a course in nursing, she returned to the slums and the streets of Calcutta where she would spend the rest of her days. Her witness of self-giving love for the poorest of the poor soon attracted others and in time the community became the fastest growing community of women in the Catholic Church and is today one of the most vibrant communities of women in the world. As founder of a new congregation, she would come to be known as Mother Teresa. Her heoic synonymous with love, compassion and concern for the poor. The process for her canonization began immediately after her death in 1997; the Holy Father saw no need to impose the canonical five year waiting period.