HVSC flies primarily from Somerset airport in Bedminster, New Jersey and is partnered with Somerset Soaring Ventures, the commercial glider operation at Somerset airport. HVSC proudly supports student pilots, local and cross-country glider flying. The membership includes 2 FAA certified glider flight instructors, our Chief Instructor has been instructing since 1983.  Our members are friendly and family oriented who encourage one another to improve their skills.  We also plan trips to fly at other airports.


The club currently owns 3 single seat gliders, a Schweizer 1-23 and two 1-26’s. As membership grows there are plans to increase the fleet with a 2-place and other higher performance gliders.


"These slow glides in rising currents probably hold out greater hope of extensive practice than any other method within man's reach... ...when gliding operators have attained greater skill, they can, with comparative safety, maintain themselves in the air for hours at a time in this way, and thus by constant practice so increase their knowledge and skill that they can rise into the higher air and search out the currents which enable the soaring birds to transport themselves to any desired point by first rising in a circle and then sailing off at a descending angle."

--Wilbur Wright, Sept 18, 1901


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Hawk Valley

Soaring Club