Open cluster NGC 2362

Open cluster NGC 2362
The small dense open cluster NGC2362 is located in Canis Major and contains about 60 stars.
It is relatively young, being only 25 million years old. The bright star in the center of the cluster is Tau Canis Majoris, which is a luminous type O supergiant shining at magnitude 4.39.
As the cluster lies at a distance of 5000 ly, it is one of the most luminous supergiants known, with an absolute magnitude of -7, or 50,000 times more luminous than our Sun.

Technical details

OPTICS10" Newtonian f/5.2
MOUNTLosmandy G11 equatorial
CAMERAPhilips ToUCam Pro SC1 webcam
EXPOSURE60 x 21s
DATE/TIME18/01/2006 12:18 UTC
LOCATIONMy backyard observatory in west Auckland, New Zealand

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