M46 & NGC 2438

Open cluster M46 & planetary nebula NGC 2438
The planetary nebula NGC 2438 is seen in front of the open cluster M46 in this image. The cluster has an angular diameter equal to the full moon and is relatively old among star clusters, at about 300 million years. It is located in the southern constellation Puppis about 5000 ly distant.
The planetary nebula NGC 2438 seems to be in the foreground and is not connected to the cluster. The central star of the nebula has a magnitude of 17.5.

Technical details

OPTICS10" Newtonian f/5.2
MOUNTLosmandy G11 equatorial
CAMERAPhilips ToUCam Pro SC1 webcam
EXPOSURE83 x 21s
DATE/TIME05/02/2006 11:02 UTC
LOCATIONMy backyard observatory in west Auckland, New Zealand

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