Space Art renderings

I enjoy creating images of imaginary Space scenes, using 3D Studio Max. These images are entirely from my own imagination, but I've tried to create some realistic scenes based on actual environments in known Space, concerning general astrophysics, existing objects, relative brightness, realistic athmospheric effects etc.

Fractal Art

I also enjoy creating Fractal Art for which you can find a dedicated website here, complete with online gallery and shop:
Fractal Art online gallery and shop Fractal Art online gallery and shop Fractal Art online gallery and shop

Space Art examples

Click on the thumbnails below for a larger image.

View towards quasar from a nearby planet

A cold ocean on a distant planet

Imaginary view from planet near the galactic nucleus

A solar system in the outskirts of the globular cluster Omega Centauri

Scene from a planet in a globular star cluster

Melting planet, caused by a nearby supernova

Natural arch on a ringplanets moon in a globular cluster

Uranus viewed from its moon Ariel

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