How You Can Help This Important Research
As you have read above the numbers of hyaenas is fast declining and viable populations will soon only be found in protected areas such as private wildlife conservancies and National Parks. These animals will then not necessarily be considered an endangered species but such populations will be limited and must be managed properly. Professionally conducted research gives wildlife managers the information they need to do their job. 

The preservation of carnivore biodiversity needs basic information on Ecology. The results of this study are integrated into the mammals management plan of the Hwange National Park. Smaller amounts of money, wisely spent can help researchers obtain the data needed to preserve a species. You can help Nolwenn Drouet-Hoguet to assist National Parks and the Spotted Hyaena project by making donations to the wildlife organisation (details below)which aims to support Nolwenn, and which is also a registered charity.  Or if you feel you would rather donate badly needed equipment then please write to Nolwenn for an up-to-date ‘Wish List’. Please note that Nolwenn does not receive a salary and volunteers her time and experience to assist National Parks. Whilst running the Hyaena Research Project Nolwenn is also enrolled at the University of Lyon (France) and is conducting her PhD Degree.
Three cubs that you can help grow into adults and enhance the spotted hyaena population.
IN U.S.A.:
Donations are Tax Deductible for american citizens. Please enclose a note that the funding is for the Hyaena Project. Please send cheques made out to '
African Matters' (a Registered N.G.O.) at:

Africa Matters, 382 41st Street, Oakland, CA 94609
Email Director:

Please send cheques or postal orders made out to ‘Hwange Conservation Society’ (a Registered Charity) to:

Mrs A. Wilkinson, Treasurer, Hwange Conservation Society, Spotted Dog Cottage, Whorlton, Barnard Castle, Co. Durham DL12 8XQ, England.

Email Treasurer:  
Email Chairman:
As Hwange Conservation Society supports many projects, when sending donations, please enclose a note that the funding is for the Hyaena Research & Conservation Project, Zimbabwe.

Please note that any donations made to the below Registered Charity are Tax Deductible for French citizens.

International Foundation For The Conservation of Wildlife (IGF)
15 rue de Téhéran - 75008 Paris - France
Tel: +33 (0) 1 56 59 77 55
Fax: +33 (0) 1 45 63 32 94

Please send cheques made out to "Fondation International pour la Sauvegarde de la Faune" and enclose a note that the funding is for Hyaena Project, Zimbabwe.

Or transfer to:
Banque Privée Saint Dominique (BPSD)
12/14, Rond Point des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris - France
IBAN: FR76 1891 9000 0100 0050 0927 029

It is preferred by the Zimbabwean Government that foreign researchers do not solicit funding from Zimbabwean organisations/citizens, so if you are Zimbabwean and wish to help, please write to Nolwenn and she can advise of alternative ways to help.

Send an email to Nolwenn. She will tell you what to do!
All Sponsors receive a newsletter with photographs, updates on the research and individual hyaenas plus notes on life in Hwange. If you would like to receive a copy of this newsletter, please advise Nolwenn by email.