Welcome to Bloodtalon Tanning & Hydewerks

This is the Leatherworking shop of one Yun'Jin Bloodtalon, the Crimson Mohawk Hunter (Sentinels, RP). He is assisted by Raghera Redraven. Prices are dependant on the item and are mostly free to guildmates. Please read on for more policies:

Leather: Leather will be sold for slightly under Market price. Market price being determined by Auction house prices.
Specialty Leather: (i.e., Fel Hide, Clefthoof Leather, Cobra Scales) will be sold for market price.
Primals: I will not farm or buy Primals, please bring your own.
Specialty Items: Items that cannot be farmed and must be bought (i.e., Arcane Dust, Soul Cloth, Primal Mights) must be acquired before tossed at me.

To view the contents of each section, click the up and down arrows to the left of each header. This will expand or collapse each category.




Item Enhancement



Contact Information

Whisper or send in-game mail to "Yunjin." Or, if you are a member of the Duskguard Forums, you can send a PM. I will respond to commissions whenever I get them.

Site Information

Background image © Squidfingers
Characters, weaponry, and armour featured in the layout graphics as well as content are © Blizzard Entertainment
Site design, coding © E, a.k.a. Raghera, unless otherwise noted.