keet was born on 2-2-93. he is the first male orca that was born and survived at sea world. his mother is kalina and his father is kotar who is now dead. his grandparents are katina (grandmother) and winston (grandfather is now dead). his full blooded brother is keto half brother and sister is tuar, takara and ikaika. his aunt and uncle is unna and taku and his neice is kohana. tillikum belive it or not i kinda related to him and keto in 2 ways: he is his step grandpa and step father but by blood he hold no relation. keet was born in sea world texas. his mother was only 6 at the time. cause his mother was born in captiveity , makes him the first grand baby shamu. his name comes from the tlingit tribe word queet meaning orca. keet hasnt seen all of his extended family. he hasnt seen his mother sence his birth. A year after his birth keto was conseved and kalina had to be moved to florida to support her birth. keet was left with his father, haida, kayuquet, and katrena (whom all are now dead), he lived there till 11-8-99 then he was moved to sea world cali and so was keto. that was the first time keto, keet, and takara ever met. keet and keto are nearly the same size but keet is still a little larger. keet is 2 years older the keto. keet and keto act just like human brothers. they sometimes arue with each other and and can never seem to esthablish dominancy over each other. takara, orkid, and sumar seem to love to play tag together. orkid especially likes keet . she some times will not leave the tank untill keet is though with his perfomance. keet and sumar are very closely bonded ,it seems they are like best friends.keet learns very quickly and performs his tricks perfectly. but his down fall is that scense he has live at sea world texas for so long he doesnt know where to do the tricks. keet also has a trick he likes to preform that no other orca does, he likes to spyhop with his mouth open and flick his tounge.when he does this look at his eyes, they are blue. on 4-15 keet,keto,and sumar were moved to sea world ohio. on 2-15-01 keet was brought back to sea world cali,a few days later sumar joined himbut, keto was sent to texas.. |