takara was born on 7-9-91. she was conceived at sea world texas and born at sea world cali. her mother is kasatka and her father was kotar(who died before they could meet). her half brothers are keet and keto. takara loves to play. she and orkid likes to splash people with their flukes when they sit or walk by the tank.  she is curious and like to look and play with anything she can find.  takara also enjoys sumar's company when she babysits him when corky is busy. she has learned to catch birds that fly into the tank. she learned this from her mother.  takara also has an interest in books that has photos of orcas in it.  in japanese her name means treasure.  in the shows she often preforms with kasatka , splash, orkid, and sumar.  currently takara had given birth to a little female calf. she gave birth at 8:30pm on the 3rd of may. she was supervised by her mother and new grandmother kasatka, whom just gave birth last september.
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takara(right) hanging with mom(left)
brian scott
brian scott