Hymns of Faith


Enjoy the natural sound of the dulcimer as Amie plays beautiful hymns of the Christian faith.

Are you ready to hear the sounds of beloved songs, tested by time, flowing out on the strings of a beautifully crafted hammered dulcimer?  A young woman from the north has compiled a select number of spiritual songs, setting them in antepenural style to her dulcimer, and recorded them on compact disc.  You can feel the history and the life of these classics as she pulls out the feeling of the hymns with each stroke of her hammer-laden hand.  Sit back and enjoy the songs of yesteryear as they are re-presented afresh on the strings of the hammered dulcimer.


The young woman’s name is Amie Covel.  She endeavored to complete this recording project hoping to add to the Sault Wesleyan Church’s fund for a new church building.  Rev. Dale Kessler provided $10 to thirty people in the church, calling it “God’s $300.”  Those who accepted were mandated to use the $10 in a God-honoring way to multiply the funds so as to give them to the building project.  Amie has accepted the challenge and has used her musical ability to craft an album.  Please enjoy her talent on the CD Hymns of Faith.


If you are interested in obtaining a CD please send a suggested donation of $7.00 per CD with your address, phone number and number of CDs requested to Amie at (or use the order form):

Amie Covel

c/o Sault Wesleyan Church

701 Easterday

Sault Ste. Marie, MI  49783


Hymns of Faith | Order Form | What is a hammered dulcimer? | Songs | How much money goes to the building fund? | About Sault Wesleyan Church | Special thanks

ã 2001 Mark Covel