aiGhT aLL i GottA sAy iS diS pAgE iS toTaLLY raNdoM
(buT iTs StiLL heLLa  tyTe)
"iF uR riGhT LeG iS tHaNkSgiViNg, n uR LeFt LeG iS XmAs, CaN i SpEnD sUm tiMe bTweeN dA hoLiDaYz??"
(dont ask it was ona commercial, then da girl slapped him)
i kNow yaLL pRObLy doNt giVa fuCk, buT dA tiMe n Da dAtE riTE noW iS:
wOw feeL sPeCiaL, u R dA
peRsoN 2viEw diS rAndOm pAgE
diD yA kNow DaT 1-2 pEopLe a mOntH jUmP oFF dA goLdEn gAte BriDgE?? yA weLL i tHiNk tHaTs SO sAd!! dOnT u?? weLL iF u DoNT thEN uR a StuPiD seLf aBsoRbEd MoThEr FuCKEr!!
diD yA kNow dAt iN eNgLaNd thE aVeRaGe PerSoN iS oN cAmErA 300 x a DaY!!?!?!! i tHiNk tHaTz SO cRaZy!!
yaLL tiReD oF LooKiN aT mAh RaNdOm PaGe?? sOk i WaS boReD sO i MaDe iT... YALL CHECK MAH OTHER PAGES!! (home)
uPcOmIn EvEnTs: hmm lemme think... NOTHIN (but if ya think of sumthin tell me)
6/15: national crotch pantz day
6/17: go 2 tahoe wit meredith
6/19 come back from tahoe
6/28: Leave 4 florida
6/31: goin ona cruise 2 the carribean
7/4: come back from carribean
7/11: Leave florida n g2 LA
7/15: i come back home
my bday: October 5 (thats kinda close I WISH)
DIS IS RILLY SAD!!! iN aRkAnSaS a mOtheR tRiEd 2TrAdE iN hEr 7mOnTh oLd dAuGhtEr 4A cHaWaWWa aT dA pEt ShOp!!!! i think thats SO sAd, iF u dOnT thiNK tHAtS sAd i sWeAr u HaVe NO hEaRt!!
"1. ThoU ShaLL nOt sNeAk oUt WhEn PaReNtS r sLeePiN. (why wait???)
2. ThOu sHaLL nOt Do DrUgZ.
(alcohol lastz longer!!)
3.  ThOu sHaLL nOt sTeaL fRoM k-MaRt.
(wal mart hasa way bigger selection!!)
4. ThOu sHaLL nOt gEt aRReStEd 4VaNdaLiSm.
(destruction hasa way bigger effect!!)
5. ThOu ShaLL nOt sTeaL fRoM tHy PaReNtS.
(every1 knows grandma has more money!!)
6. ThoU sHaLL nOt gEt iN fIgHtS.
(juz start em!!)
7. ThOu sHaLL nOt sKiP cLaSS.
(juz take the whole day off!!)
8. ThoU sHaLL nOt sTriP iN cLaSS.
(every1 knows hooters pay more!!)
9. ThOu ShaLL nOt tHiNk bOuT hAviN SeX.
(as nike sayz, juz do it!!)
10. ThoU sHaLL nOt HeLp oLd LaDiEz cRoSS dA sTreEt.
(juz run em over, its quicker!!)"

              **MY ULTIMATE DREAM!!!***(shared wit suma mah friendz)
wHeN i GeT 2ReDwOOd, (iN oNLy 2MoNtHz YAY!) i WaNNa BcOmE fRiEnDz wiT a GaY gUy!! uNLiKe StrAigHt gUyz, tHeYrE heLLa tYtE-ThEyLL gO sHoPPiN wiT mE!!!
tRaNsiN sUx!! i hate u tams!!
pLeAsE siGn mAh gUeStBooK n mAkE mE feeL sPeCiaL!! PLEASE!!! iLL LuV yA 4EvEr! SiGn iT!!
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