TeStz n LoVe |
guYz wiLL NEVER uNdeRstAnD |
Do yA hAvE hEr #meMoRiZeD? a) oF coUrsE iTs.. b) i uSeD c) nEvEr diD, NeVeR wiLL Do Ya CaLL hEr? a) aLL dA tiMe b) soMetiMEz c) wHaTz hEr #? wHeN yA c hEr u... a) stoP n FLiRt wiT hEr b) sOmeTiMez tALk wiT hEr c) wHo iS sHe aGaIn?? iF shEz uPsEt u... a) tRy n caLm hEr b)tRy2 caLm hEr n LeaVe c) sHeLL gEt oVeR iT wHeN pEoPLe tAlK sHiT bOUT hEr u... a) stAnD uP4 hEr b) do NoThiN c) gO aLoNg wiT iT aLL ucArE bOuT pLaY? a) nO i ReSpEcT n LuV my Gf b) pLaYz gOOd c) wHaTs wRoNg wiT pLaY? RoUnD oThER gIrLz u.a) TaLk FriEnDLy buT nEvEr fLiRt b)fLiRt iF sHeZ REAL hOt c)hiT oN eM, thEy HoT aiGhT noW yaLL goTTa taLLy uP uR voTeS n wHicH evEr LettEr yA hAve Da MoSt oF, hiGhLiGht iT n cLiCk dA buTToN beLoW (am i a good bf?) |
STATEMENT OF LOVE: ThE KiSs 1. kiss on the hand: i adore u 2. kiss on cheek: lets juz b frends 3. kiss on the neck: i want u 4. kiss on the lips: i love u 5. kiss on the ears: im juz playin 6. Look in ur eyes: kiss me 7. play wit ur hair: cant live w/out u 8. hand on ur waist: i luv u 2much 2 let u go 9. kiss newhere else: lets not get 2 carried away! |
THE LOVERZ OF THE HEART iN oRDeR 2 foRm a MoRE pErFeCt KiSS eNabLe tHe miGhTy hUg 2 pRomoTe 2 wHoM wE pLeaSE BuT oNE kiSS |
THE 3 STEPS 1. GIRLZ: if ne guy gets fresh wit u, juz slap him 2. GUYZ: if ne girl slaps u, her intentions r good 3. GUYZ N GIRLZ: close ur eyez when kissin, its rude 2stare! |
THE COMMANDMENTS 1. thou shall not squeeze 2 hard 2. thou shall not ask 4a kiss but instead take one 3. thou shall kiss at EVERY opportunity |
HEREZ A FEW REASONS Y GUYZ LIKE GIRLZ 1. They will alwayz smell good even if its juz their shampoo 2. The way their headz alwayz find the right spot on his shoulder 3. How cute we look when we sleep 4. The ease in which we lift into their arms 5. The way we kiss u n all the sudden, everything is right in the world 6. How cute we r when we eat 7. The way we take hourz 2get dressed, but in the end it makes it all worth it 8. We r alwayz warm even when its minus 30 outside 9. The way we look no matter what we wear 10. The way we fish 4compliments even thou we both no were the prittiest thang on earth 11. How cute we r when we argue 12. The way r hand alwayz findz his 13. The way we smile 14. The way he feelz when he sees r name on call id even after r huge fite 15. The way we say "lets not fite nemore" even thou an hour later.... 16. The way we kiss when he duz sumthin nice 4us 17. The way we kiss when he sayz, i love u 18. Actually... juz the way we kiss him 19. The way we fall into his armz when we cry 20. They way we apologize 4 sayin sumthang that silly 21. The way we hit him n expect it 2 hurt him 22. The way we apologize when it duz hurt (even though we never admit it) 23. The way we say "i miss u" 24. The way he misses us 25. The way r tearz make him want 2change the world so it duznt hurt us nemore. Yet regardless if he loves us, hates us, or wish we wood die or know that u wood die witout em... it matterz not. cuz once in ur life, whatever we were 2the world we become everythang 2u. when he looks in r eyez, traveling 2the depths of r souls n he sayz a million thangz witout trace of a sound, u know that ur own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatingz of r very heart. He lovez us 4a million reasonz, no paper wood do it justice. it is a thang not of the mind but of the heart. a feeling. Only left. |