Woman Photographs and Reports Skunk Ape to Sheriff

Myakka, Florida-  2/5/01
An elderly woman in Myakka, Fl, off I-75 near Sarasota Photographed an alleged "Skunk Ape" hominid last fall.
Skunk apes are belived to be a variety of  the infamous Bigfoot of the northwest.
The woman was upset by a large animal moving through her yard.  Some apples were left as bait, and for two nights, the intruder stole the apples from off her porch.  On the third night, she photographed the creature.  The woman reported that it made a "woomp" sound and had a strong, putrid odor.  She also reported that the animal was six and a half to seven feet tall while in a kneeling position, ten feet tall when standing.
The woman sent her photographs, along with this
letter to the local sheriffs office, asking them to "look after the situation".  In the letter, the woman refers to the animal as an orangutan.
-Hyperdigm News
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