About Me
On a beautiful, sunny afternoon in the spring of 1981, a baby was born. Then a bunch of stuff happened, and almost 23 years later, that baby made this page that you are looking at. That baby is me.
This is my story.
My name is Daniel, you can call me Dan, or Mr. Awesome, whichever you like. I was born in Taylor, grew up in Southgate, went to college at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, and currently live in Romulus. I also currently live with my Dad and Step-mother, but hopefully that will change soon.
Ya see, I just graduated from the aforementioned Eastern Michigan University (see?) and I am looking for a job. EMU is a great school for those who aspire to be a teacher, like me. I am looking for a job in secondary education, in my major (English) or my minor (French). But, until that happens, I am content to substitute teach I suppose.
Man, how hot does that cap and gown look on me?
As far as everything else goes, I enjoy reading, writing, sports, video games, music, movies, making webpages, and lots of other things. Oh yeah, and thinking. I really like thinking. Seriously. I like to spend time with my girlfriend, Christine, and maybe take a trip to Cedar Point here and there (season pass for the second straight year, woo hoo!)
That's all I can think of to include. Most likely if you are reading this you already know me and probably will let me know what you think about my page the next time you talk to me. However, whether I know you or not, I really do appreciate getting emails about it, and having people fill out the survey on here. So please check out the other pages on here and let me know what you think. Thanks.