I Am Johnmy bio HAPPY FATHERS DAY DADI start this page with one thought in mind. "To say Happy Fathers Day to my Dad". I have no process in mind, No words prepared No thoughts of how I will proceed Just the intent Dad Thank you I feel You have always been proud of me Always wanted what was best for me Always stood by my side Always ready to share your wisdom, experience and love I didn't always follow your advice Sometimes venturing to learn from my own mistakes When the time came that my decisions did not produce the outcome I desired you were always there to pick up the pieces and help me carry on Always there, I guess that's the key Always there, unconditionally Always there, with love Always there, with understanding Always there, to share my tears Always there, to celebrate my victories You never falter Never waver in your dedication to me Until recently I had no idea how to thank you. To say "thanks Dad, I love you" always seemed so insignificant, so unworthy of my feelings To make this WebPage seems to small a task I am a Dad, I saw something recently that I feel would repay any debt that Gina thought she owed me. This definitely summarizes the feelings I am trying to put into words On the webcam the other night I saw Gina - happy - smiling - laughing I can only speak for me but that few minutes, made me happy - smile - laugh Should Gina ever ask how to repay me anything I'll have to say "Paid in full" as long as you are happy I recall recently you asked a serious question "How am I making it thru all the recent trials and tribulations". The answer is easy Dad Because you were Always there Because you are always there I am happy - content - at peace I am better than I was And will be better than I am now Because you are .... Always there .... Hey, what the heck "Thanks Dad, I love you". HAPPY FATHERS DAY DADSITE MAP © 2003 write to me |